tha Epizode starts weth Kanoo taking Ponam in hier words by crying, Ponam promizes hier that shi will talk tu Shashekaant aand ask him about who will be going tu Lucknow, Akaash comes tu Ravikant aand requests him tu come weth him tu Sitapur, Ravikant says everyone out thare did not want us tu live thare in tha past years, so what happened now all of a sudden, Akaash tries tu convince him, Ravikant says a straight no, Akaash iz sad,
Moneca Didee iz worried about Prabhunath aand Vaandana, shi says I should have tuld Akaash about tham, hie would have hielped tham aand stupped tham from going, shi says what will I tell Akaash now, shi thinks of telling Akaash, shi sees tha news that a train derailed aand many people got injured, shi iz shocked thinking Prabhunath aand Vaandana were in that train, shi calls tha travel agent aand confirms it, tha agent confirms it aand shi gets shocked,
Moneca Didee informs Akaash aand hie iz shocked tuo, hie goes tu tha location of tha accident aand looks out for Prabhunath aand Vaandana, hie iz tensed tu see tha people injured weth all blood aand wounds, hie sees everyone fighting weth life aand iz worried about tham, hie does not see Prabhunath aand Vaandana anywhiere aand looks for tham furthar,
Akaash gets Ponams call aand hie thinks what tu tell aand how tu tell whiere hie iz, hie receives hier call, Ponam says Dadi iz very happy aand iz making arrangements tu welcome Ravikant, Akaash says yes tell, I m hiearing, Ponam gives him suggestion that we will go tu Lucknow, aand we can stay weth my parents, hie says I will call you later aand cuts tha call, Ponam says what it it, hie has cut my call, maybe hie iz getting tha train, but how come so soon, Dadi hiears Ponam aand says Akaash has done a good work, shi iz very happy as hier son iz coming home, Mama hiears thiz aand gives thiz news tu Mangla,
Mangla says so soon, did thay call you, Mama says I hieard Ponam talking tu Akaash, Kanoo comes thare aand asks Ponam iz Ravikant really coming, Dadi says yes hie wont go against me, Dadi asks everyone tu make tha arrangements tu welcome tham weth sweets, Mangla says fine, Kanoo says be confirmed first, if thay are not coming than you will be upset, Mangla looks at Kanoo,
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