tha epizode starts weth sanjjay calling Ammi aand hie tells hier not tu find a girl for him aand hie iz happy tu know that shi iz finding a girl for him but hie doesnt need cause hie has found a girl, shi than sadly says OK n keeps tha phone, than Shrooti iz talking tu hier mom about sanjjay n hie r relation n hie ignoring hier, than Shrootis mom tells hier that what does shi exactly want sanjjay tu do cause if hie iz ignoring hier shi iz having a problem or if hie iz expressing hier love shi iz having a problem, So what does shi want?? than Shrooti gets angry aand tells hier mom that shi will tell sanjjay tu remove hier from hiz mind n find a nice girl n marry hier,
Next day morning Shrooti calls Ammi n khushboo for breakfast n Ammi asks Shrooti that why didnt shi tell tham whien nani was going home so shi Shrooti says that thay were sleeping at that tym so shi didnt want tu wake tham up,
than Ammi tells about hier convo weth sanjjay n Shrooti gets angry aand says that shi need not find a girl for sanjjay, shi than leaves for office aand jasuben comes aand again reminds tham of leaving tha house or paying tha rent on time, than jasuben leaves aand Ammi says that now only sanjjay can hielp tham, than Shrooti comes in tha office aand asks about sanjjay tu tha receptionizt aand shi tells him that hie wont be coming due tu some personal problem, shi than thinks that what might be tha problem, than thay show sanjjay talking tu hiz sizter about hier marital izsue, than hie iz shown talking tu yogesh riddhis husbaand, than after thair talk iz done sanjjay talks tu Ammi whiere shi tells him about tha problem aand hie tells hier tu be tension free aand hie will solve hier problem, than sanjjay mssgs Shrooti that shi will get hier salary in advanced as shi has tu pay tha rent of tha house, than Shrooti gets upset as tu how did sanjjay come tu know aand why iz hie doing thiz, tha screen freezes on Shrootis face,
Precap:- sanjjay iz shouting at Shrooti for making miztakes aand tells hier tu keep hier personal problems at hone aand come tu office,
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