Seene 1
Rooli iz waiting for Siid shi iz angry, Said comes aand shi says its 3 oclock, Siid says sorry it was meeting i know i am late,
Siid says tu soneya why didnt you ask police tu find him, shi says that its hard tu be safe from your own relatives aand tha reason for that iz thiz property, thay cant bear that a girl iz having a property like thiz, soneya says that injustice iz more than justice always, I want you tu manage thiz company, I am giving you all tha authority of my company, hie says that it was first meeting tha bosss character iz so suspicious, shi iz so strong, By looks shi iz just a girl next door, Rooli asks what hier name ? hie iz about tu tell whien hiz phone rings, H receives tha call aand says yes soneya madam, hie dizconnects, Rooli asks him again but hie has slept already, shi smiles looking at him,shi pats hiz hiead aand turns tha light off,
Next morning mata ji blesses Siid that for hiz new job, Rooli gives him lunch box aand wizhies him luck, Prem aand rest of tha men are leaving tuo, sujata asks simar tu give tham tha lunch, Pari says no i will take tha lunch, Achna says that i will go along you tuo, Mata ji aand sujata says that thare iz nothing ready on tha shop what will you do, shi says okay, Shalu says pari not tu come thay will eat something, thay leave,
Seene 2
Rooli gets a call from attul on hier phone, shi goes tu mausi jis room who iz sleeping, shi iz not waking, shi shows hier attuls phone mausi ji receives hiz call, attul iz asking for soneyas appointment, shi says that madam iz so busy call me tumorrow, Attul says no it will be so late, hie says meghna ji has something important, Mausi ji syas tu him that shi iz going tu coffee shop tu meet tha family about hier wedding,
Attul iz forcing Mausi ji for tha meeting, shi says no its not possible aand cuts tha call, shi says tu Rooli tha thay have hit tha nail on hiead,
Attul tells Meghna that hie couldnt get appointment, shi iz going tu meet hier proposal at coffee shop,
Seene 3
Prem aand shalu are telling interior decoraturs how tu decorate tha shop, Shalu says that prem my brain iznt working now,
Seene 4
Meghna goes tu coffee shop, Rooli aand mausi ji pretends like thay are startled tu see hier, Rooli says we are so busy you know meghna ji, Have tha coffee, Meghna says place aand things are not important, tha important thing iz tha value 0f those words,Meghna gives Rooli hier proposal, Rooli staands up aand says you know what yop are saying? Meghna says that we have tu get shaureya married thiz year,So whats wrong in thiz, Meghna says that thiz will be so beneficial for you aand me, Attul says you cant get a better family than singhaniys, Meghna says that thiz siz just a genuine request i assure you that you wont regret, shi says why are you guys so dazed have i said something wrong? Mausi ji says no dont worry about soneyas apponitment, Rooli says tine please haandle thiz matter, Meghna says tu hier that it wont be your loss, Rooli asks what about shuareya ? iz hie agreed? Meghna says that hie iz all happy in thiz, Rooli syas meghna that i count tha benefits aand loses of all before taking any decizion,
Meghna leaves aand mausi ji iz celebrating that,
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