tha Epizode starts weth Dayaaben aand jethalaal dizcussing about Bhidee’s radio, hie says we should buy anything after thinking a lot, do we need tha things or not, can’t we stay wethout it, Dayaaben says I don’t understaand thiz, hie explains hier what was tha need for Bhide tu buy tha radio, jethalaal says see who’s talking, hie asks hier tu stup acting, hie says you said Bhide hielps Madhavee in work, shi says tha truth iz truth, hie says Bhide did tha loss of Rs, 500, shall I do tha same, shi jokes weth him, hie asks hier tu sleep, Bhide iz repairing tha radio, Sonu comes tu him aand says dad don’t you have tu sleep, hie says I will on tha radio aand sleep, Sonu asks him tu off tha radio before sleeping aand leaves, Madhavee comes aand asks him since whien are you repairing tha radio, hie says whien I was small, I saw my graandpa repairing tha radio, so I know,
shi says whats tha use now, it did not work infront of tha society, shi asks him tu return tha radio, hie says why should I return tha radio, it will be weth us, Bhide repairs it furthar, hie iz done weth tha work aand tries tu play it, Suddenly, tha lightning strucks tha radio while Bhide aand Madhavee are sleeping, tha radio starts playing by tha lightning power, Madhavee gets tha sound aand wakes up, shi wakes up Bhide aand says look hows tha sound coming, hiear tha sound, get up, Bhide wakes up aand hiears tha sound, Madhavee iz tensed, shi says did you keep tha radio on, go aand switch it off, Bhide says its unique, it did not play whien thare were lizteners, aand now its playing whien thare iz no one, Bhide sees that tha radio if off aand thinks from whiere iz tha sound coming,
hie chiecks tha switch, tha radio iz on wethout power, Bhide iz terrified, hie says I have removed tha plug, than how iz it working, hie calls Madhavee aand Sonu, hie tells tham that tha radio iz working wethout power, Sonu says how it will be, Bhide says I don’t know, Madhavee says you were repairing it, did you do anything, hie says I did not do anything, tha power goes aand Sonu gets afraid, All of tham get afraid seeing tha radio playing some strange sounds, Madhavee says whats all thiz, Bhide says I don’t know which station iz it playing,
Bhide says shall I call Sodhi, Madhavee says call jethalaal, as hie has an electronic shop, maybe hie knows about thiz, Bhide calls jethalaal, jethalaal iz sleeping aand wakes up hiearing tha ringtune, hie takes tha call, Bhide tells him that hiz radio started working, Dayaaben wakes up aand asks whose phone iz it, jethalaal says Bhide called, hie said hiz radio iz working, Dayaaben says lets go, we can go thare for five mins, jethalaal says are you mad, you are calling us at thiz time, we will come tumorrow morning, Bhide says I called you tu tell something else, hie tells him tha stury aand asks him tu come hiz house fast, jethalaal tells Dayaaben lets go aand find out what tha problem iz,
Dayaaben aand jethalaal go tu Bhidee’s house, jethalaal tells hier everything that Bhidee’s radio has become magical aand iz working wethout power, Bhide iz waiting for jethalaal, tha door bell rings aand Sonu shouts, Bhide aand Madhavee open tha door aand its jethalaal, Bhide shows tham tha radio, Dayaaben asks Madhavee are you fine, shi nods yes aand no, Dayaaben says I understuod shi iz not fine, Bhide says see tha radio, jethalaal says what, its off, Bhide says yes, its switching on aand off autumatically, Everyone shout aand hide at a diztance being scared, Bhide asks why did you shout, Dayaaben says Madhavee shouted, so I shouted, Madhavee says I was scared, Bhide says jethalaal now see how it becomes on,
Everyone look at tha radio, Dayaaben says sorry, I m not getting any point, explain us whats tha problem, Bhide tells tham everything what occured after thay left, Bhide says strange sounds were coming, jethalaal says its nothing, I will explain, come hiere, hie says maybe you repaired, so two wires have been short so its switching off aand on, Bhide says tha power has gone tuo, Dayaaben says tell me whien you repaired, was tha plug attachied tu tha socket or not, Bhide says yes, Dayaaben says I got it, jethalaal says what, Dayaaben says it affected tha house’s wiring aand tha power,
Bhide looks at jethalaal aand jethalaal tells him sorry, hie says I will send Baaga tumorrow, hie will chieck tha radio aand tha house’s wiring, don’t worry, Bhide looks at Madhavee, Dayaaben asks tham tu sleep peacefully, Madhavee asks Bhide tu keep tha radio outside tha house, jethalaal says it won’t go anywhiere, keep it outside, jethalaal says I will take tha radio weth me, don’t worry, Dayaaben pulls tha cabinet, Bhide asks hier tu tale only tha radio, jethalaal aand Dayaaben lift tha radio aand leave,
jethalaal aand Dayaaben bring tha radio home, thay keep tha radio in tha hall, hie says lets go aand sleep, thay go tu thair room, tha lightning strucks tha radio again aand it gets charged by tha power aand starts playing tha same strange sounds, Dayaaben wakes up aand iz shocked,
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