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Uttaran 31st October 2013 Written Update

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Vishno sits down next tu a conscious Methi, hie apologizes tu Methi, I should have saved you but, shi tells him not tu apologize, I can understaand, What’s in your hieart comes in tha mind at such a time, hie wonders I don’t know why but only Mukta came tu my mind at that point of time, I am very ashamed of myself, shi says you should tell Mukta thiz not me, Your morals aand values couldn’t staand in front of your love tuday right? Now you tuo accept it that your happiness / love aand life iz Mukta, Your everything iz Mukta…,only Mukta, shi keeps hier haand over hiz which hie tuo notices, I want you tu be happy weth hier, Promize me now you will lizten tu your hieart, You wont keep yourself in any bondages now, Promize me that you yourself will go aand tell tha truth tu everyone, shi iz having a tuugh time staying conscious, Go tu Mukta, shi needs you more than me, Go tu hier, hie looks at hier haand aand than removes it as shi iz asleep by now, hie gets up aand leaves from thare,

Rohini iz excited, I wont see tv from tuday onwards, I saw a fimly stury in front of my eyes, hieroine iz stuck in fire aand hiero watchies thiz, hie goes inside aand comes back holding someone in hiz arms, Damini tuo iz liztening tu thair convo from outside, Rohini continues, but that girl izn’t hiz wife, Later we get tu know that shi iz tha lover of hiero, than tha hieroine who iz still caught up in flames…,hier ex-husbaand jumps in tha flames tu save hier, Thiz way tha couples will change, I have never seen such a picture in my life…tha couples change! Nani sternly tells hier not tu talk rubbizh, I am having a hieadachie, aand tha fimly stury that you have tuld me just now, don’t say it in front of anyone else or Ram hi Rakhiey, Damini’s expression changes tu confusion, Rohini nods, Damini leaves from thare, Nani says my Mukta will get married tu Aakash only while that Makkhi (Methi) will spend hier life weth that beggar Vishno only, Baki tu Ram hi Rakhiey!

Vishno comes tu see Mukta while Aakash goes tu chieck on Methi, Both tha girls are unconscious, Methi, in hier sleep iz about tu turn tuwards tha edge of tha bed so Aakash runs aand holds hier hiead aand makes hier lie carefully, Vishno sits down next tu Mukta, Instrumental music plays in tha background, Aakash tuo sits on tha bed next tu Methi, hie wants tu caress hier hiead but than stups himself, Vishno looks at tha tattuo on Mukta’s haand, Its all messed up now…fake tattuo aand than looks at hier in surprize, Aakash iz about tu take hiz haand away from Methi’s whien shi holds ontu it in hier sleep, hie stays put in hiz place, Vishno looks at tha tattuo closely aand tries tu rub it off…aand it does tu hiz surprize, hie looks at tha ink in hiz haand aand recalls tha fire incident…,how thay both were holding ontu each othar in tha outhouse, hie recalls Rathore’s words about how hie dint even think about himself even as tha life of tha one hie loves was on stake, Mukku stirs in hier sleep aand wakes up, thay both keep looking at each othar, Methi tuo opens hier eyes aand looks at Aakash, hie iz very much relieved aand still in pain tu see hier thus, hie tuuchies hier haand aand shi smiles slightly, hie nods at hier, Mukta thanks Vishno for saving hier life, Methi tuo thanks Aakash for saving hier life once again, hie replies I will save you every time…,even whien you will be in trouble I will save you, If something would have happened tu you tuday than how would I have lived? shi says you will have tu live Aakash, You will have tu live wethout me, I am freeing Vishno from thiz relation so hie can live weth Mukta but I am still bound by tha promize that I have given tu Anni, We can never be tugethar,

Vishno rubs tha ink in hiz thumb aand shi looks at tha tattuo in hier haand, shi says getting a name inked on tha haand, hie says just so I can see aand feel tha pain of seeing you weth someone else? Would I be able tu bear it or not? right? I know it Mukta, I have tried a lot tu stay away from you, I kept thinking that only morals / values are my life not love, I tried tu dizmizs all tha feelings of love but how can I lie tu you now? you have come tu know that you only are my life, Are you tuo ready tu become mine? thay share a long eye lock, shi sits upright aand tears flow from hier eyes, thay keep looking at each othar wethout even blinking thair eyes for even a second, Overwhielmed weth emotions thay both hug each othar, shi says I was always yours aand will be yours forever, Vishno iz happy tuo, Rathore who was passing by from thare, watchies tham thus aand iz happy tu see hiz daughter happy,


Jogi tells everyone that tha fire has been doused but everything has been ruined, rathore comes thare…,atleast a truth has surfaced before us because of thiz fire, Thiz truth should have come out in tha open long ago, Jogi iz confused, Rathore says Vishno saved Mukta tuday not hiz wife, Damini iz alert, Has anyone thought why it iz so? Jogi tells him tu be clear, Rathore explains that Mukta aand Vishno love each othar a lot, Everyone iz shocked weth thiz piece of news, I knew about thiz since some days but it came out in front of me on tha day of Methi’s marriage, Mukta hierself tuld me that Vishno has confessed hiz love tu hier…promized tu wed hier, I myself spoke tu him after which I decided tu tell you everything on my own, I came downstairs tu talk but before I could say anything police came (aand tuok me away), Anyways I had a hope that in my absence someone would dare tu say tha truth in front of all of you, Those who should get married, should get married but it dint happen that ways, Methi made one promize tu you aand that marriage tuok place, Nani iz worried, Yet I kept telling Vishno aand Tappu tu come out weth tha truth, Jogi looks at Tappu, I kept thinking about thiz only in tha jail…,whatever’s done has been done, But after I came hiere I realized that thiz iz getting more complicated day by day aand that iz whien I decided that maybe I tuo will have tu act up tu solve thiz riddle, I met Aakash aand we played tha drama of Aakash aand Mukta’s wedding in front of you all, My motive was that I knew Vishno would even die following hiz values aand morals…hie iz ruining hiz aand Methi’s life by doing that…,I wanted tu shake / arouse him that hie should come out weth tha truth aand that iz what happened, tunight on Diwali, wethout saying anything, simply by saving Mukta Vishno has accepted it that hie only loves Mukta aand no one else, Everyone iz just tuo shocked tu react,


Damini izn’t ready tu believe it, Vishno aand Methi are husbaand aand wife, thay are married aand thiz iz tha truth, Thiz truth cannot change now, thiz relation cannot break for any reason ever, Rathore tries tu talk tu hier calmly but shi izn’t ready tu lizten, You think marriage iz a joke? How can someone break a marriage like thiz? If my Methi gets divorced again than hier life will be ruined, Society will raize its fingers on hier…have you thought of thiz? hie tells hier tu calm down, Methi izn’t happy in thiz wedding, hier husbaand loves someone else, You think shi should be in a relation which iz a lie? Thiz would be wrong, Damini shakes hier hiead dizbelievingly,

Aakash says all thiz iz wrong, I don’t understaand why we cannot be tugethar,

Rathore says we cannot tell our daughter tu live a lie because we are scared of tha society? shi should live a relation whiere tha husbaand aand wife are actually just faking it? Why?

Aakash says, knowing fully well that Vishno’s happiness iz in living weth Mukta than why aren’t you understaanding it,

Rathore says especially knowing it that hier husbaand loves someone else, Whien it came tu saving someone tuday than hie chose Mukta over hier, hie dint even think of Methi,

Aakash asks Methi that shi iz hiz wife than why dint hie save hier from that fire, Why did hie save Mukta? Do you have an answer for that? Piya plays,

shi tries tu sit aand hie goes tu hielp hier in that, Do you have an answer tu that? shi says whien I said that Vishno doesn’t love Mukta, hie wants tu know tha reason than, Whien thay both love each othar aand can be tugethar than why can we not? you still love me, Whien you were unconscious in that fire you were murmuring my name only, than why cannot we be back tugethar? shi says I am not dizagreeing weth you, shi keeps hier haand over hiz, I still love you…,a lot, But we cannot be weth each othar ever, I don’t want tu lose Anni by gaining you,

Precap: Tappu says I agree that Mukta loves Vishno but it izn’t necessary that everyone can get everything thay want in life, But divorce? hie agrees it would be tuugh but living a fake relation that tuo weth a man who doesn’t love you would Methi be happy weth that? Why don’t you ask hier? Methi agrees weth Rathore, Everyone iz stunned tu hiear hier say it, shi agrees for Mukta aand Vishno’s wedding, I myself want tu free Vishno from thiz relation, Aakash iz thare tuo,

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