hieadmaster gives Veerra a chance aand Ranvee thanks him but hie tells him that it will only be ascertained that Veerra copied or not after shi passes tha exam, Ratann aand Ranvee wait for Veerra as shi writes hier paper in tha hieadmaster’s cabin, Ratann iz not pleased with Ranvee as hie’s left hiz own paper incomplete for Veerra whilst hie tries tu assure hier that though hie hasn’t completed hiz paper whatever hie has written hie’s written it well,
Veerra solves tha paper aand secures 45% marks aand hieadmaster alleges that it proves that Veerra hasn’t prepared well, But hier teachier certifies that Veerra iz in 2nd staandard but have solved 4th std’s papers, hieadmaster praizes Veerra aand it’s proved that Veerra was innocent, hieadmaster apologies tu Ratann aand assures Ratann that hie’ll see how hie can hielp Ranvee tuo, In tha meanwhile anothar student enters aand reports that Babli’s pencil box had chits, hieadmaster confronts Babli aand shi accepts hier faults aand apologizes but shi’s suspended for a week, shi however doesn’t spill tha beans on Baldev as shi’s scared of him, Ratann iz relieved, Gunjan aand all tha school kids praize RanVeerra,
Babli iz leaving with hier mom aand crying, Ranvee asks hier who was hier accomplice,
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