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Bani Ishq Da Kalma 31st October 2013 Written Update

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Jeya asks Parmet whethar tha matter iz serious, Anuraadha coaxes him tu speak up, Parmet says he cannot marry Jeya, Both tha women are stunned, Parmet says he has tu go Canada due tu hiz professional commitments, Jeya asks him about thair future, Parmet asks whethar thay can prepone tha wedding, Anuraadha says its not possible a lot of things have tu be done like booking tha hall, informing tha people, etc, Anuraadha asks him why he wants tu go tu Canada when he can easily stay back, All her property belongs tu tham only, Parmet says thiz iz not only about hiz career, But if he doesn’t go thare, many people’s lives may be affected due tu him,

Soham iz drinking, Raj jee comes tu him & confronts him saying that shi was scared in tha house while he iz sitting aand drinking, Soham taunts her saying that if shi iz scared now, than how did shi manage tu walk out late night for Delhi, Raj jee says shi did that for Bani, now shi has come all tha way for him, Inspite of being sick shi still came drenched only for him, Soham tells her tu go home or else shi will fall more sick, Raj jee says he shouldn’t be worried if shi falls ill, Soham says obviously he has tu worry as he only will be bringing her back home, Raj jee tells him shi doesn’t want hiz favour anymore, shi can haandle herself well, Soham tells her tu go home,

Anuraadha suggests thay can postpone tha wedding, Parmet says he iz not sure when he will return, It may even take four months, Anuraadha says thay are ready tu wait, Jeya requests Anuraadha tu change her decizion as 6 months iz way tuo long, But Anuraadha iz adamant, Both of tham get have a slight confrontation aand Jeya angrily walks away, Parmet goes after her, Just as he goes tu Jeya’s room, Bani enters from behind but shi doesn’t see him,

Raj jee tells Soham tu come home but he continues drinking, Soham doestn budge & hence Raj jee angrily pushis tha glass away, An agitated Soham holds her haand aand pulls her, thus causing Raj jee tu fall on Soham, (BG- Dheere jalna) Both share an intense eye lock, Raj jee tries tu get up aand turn but thiz time Soham falls on her, Soham again gets lost aand tries tu kizs her but Raj jee turns her face in time aand starts blushing, Soham turns her tuwards him aand than…

Anuraadha tells Jeya that tha wedding will take place tmrw only, An excited Jeya happily hugs her momma, Parmet smirks as hiz plan has once again worked, Anuraadha requests him tu wait back for a cup of tea but he says he has lot of work tu do, Parmet walks away aand Bani enters, Jeya tells that Bani aand Parmet are perhaps playing a cat aand mouse game, Thiz iz because whenever Parmet iz here, Bani iz not thare & when shi iz here, Parmet iz mizsing, Now shi iz very sure that thay’ll meet on tha wedding day itself, Bani says that’s not possible as shi iz leaving on that day, Jeya says tha wedding has been preponed, Bani iz also happy, Jeya says it’s a mere co-incidence as Parmet iz also leaving on tha same day for Canada, Bani’s face becomes dull, Outside, Parmet thinks, that once he marries Jeya, he will leave her aand thiz city forever,

Next morning, Raj jee wakes up aand blushis remembering tha incidents weth Soham while he iz yet asleep, (BG- izhq Rangiya) shi slowly takes tha dupatta from Soham, Just than he calls out tu Bani in hiz sleep, Raj jee iz shattered,

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