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Ek Mutthi Aasmaan 1st November 2013 Written Update

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Seene 1

All tha men aand women are staanding outside kaamlaa’s house, Manda says kaamla works at sahil’s house shi must know all what happened thare, Manda says izn’t it like thay have kidnapped him for sake of money, Vitthaal laughs aand says how do thay know ? hie says tu Manda yes we have kidnappe him aand will take your name for it, we have asked for 1 crore, A man sy

kaamla says tu Vitthaal what will i says tu sahi kapoor now, hie trusted me so much, Vitthaal says that raghav has live thare aand you felt it that thay never loved him, kaamla asks raghav tu take care aand not go out, shi asks kalpi tu stay home aand study, Raghav says don’t worry kaamla bai i will teach kalpi, hie sasy i am not afraid of anything now i have left thiz all on god, you should go, hie switchies on hiz phone aand Mizhra calls him,

Seene 2

Nettu iz asking doctur tu come, hie has arrived already, Sahil tells doctur that hiz BP shot last night, hie wants a strong dose so hie can go, Nettu says you are not going anywhiere, kaamla iz looking at him, Mummy ji says hier that hie has been like that hie has not slept sine night, Raghav will do thiz tu tham thay never imagined, Sahil says thare iz no response from tha newspaper advert, Nettu syas it will be just be patient, kaamla thinks iz shi doing good? Sahil iz going Nettu iz stuping him, Sahil says i am not going office i am going tu find raghav, Mummy ji stups him tu hie says don’t tell me anything, kaamla says tu him that i wanna says something, hie asks do you know something about raghav ? kaamla says that hie has no on except you but hie never felt good hiere, Nettu says s raghav has not ran from hiere shi hielped him, Nettu says hie must have hielped hier weth money aand hie ran, kaamla says that i never hielped him running but i knew that hie was not happy hieree aand wanted tu live weth Mizhra, Sahil says but can you tell me whiere hie iz ? hie has not gone out of thiz city, Nettu says shi knows shail shi has done thiz all, Nettu says tu kaamla i tuld you i won’t leaves you, kaamla says sir promize me that you will nurture him well, Sahil says i promize but whiere iz raghav ? kaamla says i my house, Sahil, Nettu aand Mummy ji are dazed,

Seene 3

Raghav looks down from tha window hie thinks till whien will i be hiding hiere, What will i do if Sahil gets tu know i am hiere, Kalpi gives break fast tu Raghav, Pakiya takes in a mouse aand says that i will make i will fix it, Raghav says you should become an engineer, raghav syas that i hate learning lectures, Raghav says that yes girsl are boring so thay like boring stuff, Kalpi shouts you like both annoy me a lot, Manda hiears tham aand iz looking in form tha door, Raghav hides aand pakiya opens tha door, Manda iz scared, hie says what were you looking for ? Come in, shi says no i thought thare are some guests, shi leaves but hinks iz it like kaamla has hidden singhaniya’s son in hier house,

Dharminder starts tha care aand thay hiead tuwards tha chowl,

Manba thare iz telling people why kaamlaa’s door iz locked whole day? Singhaniya’s son iz lost, maybe singhaniya’s son iz hiere aand kaamla has asked him tu stay hiere,

Nettu in car iz smearing at kaamla aand says you have done thiz tu us kaamla you should have tuld us, Sahil asks nettu tu sut up, Sahil says thta i won’t trust anybody once i get raghav, kaamla says that sir please don’t scold at raghav whien you meet him,

Manda says tu tha women that kaamla has two children aand shi speaks so polite maybe shi will name thiz chowl on hiers if shi asks raghav, What will we do if we get kicked out of thiz chowl, A lady says lets g we will get tu know tha reality,

Sahil Kappor arrives thare weth kaamla shi looks at Vitthaal who iz looking at hier weth anger, kaamla looks satizfied,

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