Home » » Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon 29th November 2013 Written Update

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon 29th November 2013 Written Update

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tha Epizode starts weth Astha being shocked tu see Shlok behind tha mask, Kavya says ask Shlok tu bring a dress for me, Astha says later, not now, Shlok says Kavya, its a habit tu give surprizes, I m a master in it, ask Astha about it, hie looks at Astha aand smiles, Astha leaves from thare, Avdhoot iz watching Astha’s wedding video aand iz sentimental, Kalindi comes aand sees him upset, hie wipes hiz tears aand thay come tu him, Kalindi says what iz it, you look sad, are you mizsing Astha, hie says no, I was free, was watching tha video, Kalindi says why are you hiding if you are mizsing hier,

shi says its like tuday whien shi learnt walking, but now shi has grown up aand got married, Ajju says shi iz tha star of our eyes, All of tham mizs Astha aand dizcuss about hier, Avdhoot says I don’t know how tu live wethout Astha, Kalindi says yes, shi had tu go one day, thiz iz tha world’s ritual, shi says I wizh shi stays happy, Avdhoot says Shlok iz one in a million, hie will keep hier happy, Kalindi says yes, I thought Shlok iz bad, but my opinion changed seeing him in past few days, I wizh thay always be tugethar aand stay happy,

Astha iz doing tha birthday arrangements while Shlok iz playing weth Kavya, Kavya says hielp Astha as shi cannot reach much hieight, Astha says I will do it myself, Shlok comes tu Astha aand lifts hier, Astha iz puzzled seeing hiz changing behavior, Music plays…… Kavya claps saying Astha got taller, Shlok smiles seeing Astha, Astha gets down aand stares at him weth anger aand moves back, shi leaves aand asks Kavya tu come weth hier, Shlok looks on,

Abhay aand hiz mum dizcuss about going tu Shlok’s house tu bring jyoti back, hie says its Astha’s haand in thiz, hie says I need jyoti tu be financially stable, Hiz mum says what will you do if thay question you, thay can refuse tu send jyoti weth you, hie says yes, I have tu do something, tu get thair trust back, shi says I will do something, you get ready tu go thare, shi gets an idea aand says I know what tu do now aand smiles, Everyone are celebrating Kavya’s birthday at home weth lots of guests aand decorations, Kavya goes tu Astha before Sojal, Sojal gets annoyed, Kavya meets everyone eat tha cake, Niranjan blesses hier, Astha thinks Niranjan iz a good man, who iz not partial,

Astha looks at Shlok, Shlok gets a call from someone aand asks iz tha work done, hie smiles looking at Astha while Astha iz busy weth Kavya, hie thinks now you will be in my haand completely, your every breath iz under my control, Bharat talks tu tha guests aand says thiz day iz special tu me as I got my daughter on thiz date aand thanks Sojal for it, gor giving him hiz daughter, Sojal smiles, hie says Astha has done all tha arrangements of tha birthday bash, hie says its because of Astha, we got thiz happiness aand I would like tu gift something tu Shlok aand Astha, hie gives tham a honeymoon package, Astha iz shocked aand looks at Shlok, Shlok laughs, Astha accepts it from Bharat, Everyone claps,

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