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its morning. jalaal iz rubbing joodhas haand. shi get consciousness aand jerks hier haand. shi gets up aand ask how i came hiere. jalaal who else can do that if not me. shi remembers how hie picked hier up last night. jalaal leaves ordering moti tu give hier meds. joodha ask moti what happened yesterday aand sees that thare iz no jewelry on hier. moti says now i will tell you what happened yesterday. maham comes aand says you became jalaals yesterday. i am so happy. accept my gift. now jalaal will have no interest in you. joodha iz shocked.
Outside adka ask that weathar iz good. whien we will leave? joodha comes outside. jalaal says you should not come out your hiealth iz not good. joodha says come on side.
jalaal obliges. joodha says what happened tu me i cant come out of shock. tell me what you did? jalaal says think it as it was times need. i had tu do it. joodha iz shocked aand in tears.. joodha says no reason can allow king tu break hiz promize. what couldve happened i wouldve died only. jalaal says i know what a king should do aand what a husbaand should do. i just fulfilled my responsibility. joodha says fulfilling promize iz also your responsibility. joodha says tell me you didnt do that which i didnt allowed. jalaal says i am a king i dont need permizsion for anything. if need arizes i will do it again. hie leaves. joodha sits shattered in tears.
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voiceover says that mughals caravan iz going forward. aand sturm iz running in mind of joodha. shi want tu remember what happened yesterday night but what happened yesterday iz bygone.
joodha looks at jalaal from hier box.
One messenger was sent from agra tu jalaal but hie lost hiz way aand didnt meet jalaal.
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jalaals caravan reachies agra but priests stup him coming inside. jalaal says whien king come nobody stup hiz way like thiz. thare must be some big reason behind it. priest says yes its big aand valid also. we assumed that you will respect your religion. but you dizrespected it by going tu maandir weth joodha. praying in thair style. aand bowing down your hiead in front of sculpture. one says i agree you are a king but that doesnt mean you can do anything. othar says if king doesnt respect hiz than whats tha need of him. you have no right tu sit on throne now.maham iz tensed. hamida says hiztury iz witness that all mughal kings ruled wethin tha limits of our religion. priest says but we cant ignore thiz miztake. god aand people are angry weth him aand if hie want tu go tu throne than hie have tu go through our dead-bodies. hie has lost tha right tu sit on throne. maham says who can stup him? Priest says women have no right tu talk. maham says i have.
as i follow tha same religion. you are educated. know religion very well so your work iz tu make jalaal see tha right path but not tu cut hiz path. you cant betray jalaal. if thare iz difference of thoughts than solve it. you all agree that jalaal iz shadow of god. i know him hie loves god very much but hie iz a human. so hie can do miztake aand your work iz tu correct hiz miztakes not tu turn faces away. you are diztancing yourself by doing thiz. we all are because of jalaal. because of jalaal izlam spread in india. i had tu come in front because i have tu answer god. priest says common man are weth us so jalaal have tu answer tuday.
Ruks iz worried whiethar messenger reachied jalaal. hoshiyar informs that jalaal came hiere aand thare iz anarchy outside.
Outside. jalaal says i will your questions. i still believe in one god. offer namaz. give zakat than whiere i didnt follow izlam tell me? Priest says applying style of different religion iz sin in our religion. going tu maandir aand bowing hiead down iz sin. jalaal says one question. remember you prayed on my first birthday priest says yes i prayed for you in maandir. jalaal says so my hiead bowed down from than. religion iz followed by hieart not by place. only one god lives in my hieart. jalaal ask shall we go inside. priest says your hieart iz clear but reason behind all thiz iz joodha . if shi wouldnt go tu maandir you didnt went weth hier also. now tha solution iz that joodha have tu accept izlam as hier religion. maham says its a sensitive matter. it iz not tha right time or place tu decide tha solution. give us one day tu dizcuss. jalaal agrees aand says i will announce in special court tumorrow .joodha iz stunned.
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adham iz furious aand ask maham why shi tuok side of jalaal whien all priest were against him. hie couldve lost tha throne. maham says i love you very much but i cant deny loving jalaal. i want tu see you as king but not by throwing jalaal from it. hie has given us both tuo much. you are minizter of state aand i chief minizter only because of him. we would only be servants if jalaal wasnt thare aand whats tha guarantee that if priests take tha throne from jalaal. thay will give it tu you? You cant do anything like a king. if you do things like a king only than you will deserve tha throne. i will want tu see you as king only whien you will deserve it. tha truth iz that you are just angry ball who can brust any minute. nothing more than that. adham raizes hiz haand on hier but stups. maham says if jalaal were in your place hie couldnt have forgot that i am hiz bari ami but you raized haand on me. just leave my sight. adham goes away.
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