Ammi aand Khushboo stalk Jasubens house aand overhiear house buyer (Jagdizh) saying that hie wants tu chieck tha house hie iz buying tu see if it iz auspicious, Jasuben assures him it has always brought good luck tu whoever lived thare, Ammi makes a plan tu scare Jagdizh by saying tha house iz haunted,
Ammi deflates tha tyres, thay find tha builders card on tha floor an pick it up, In tha meantime Ammi forgets hier walkie-talkie near tha window shi was eavesdropping from, which Jasuben finds,
Praabha says that though news did not mention Yogeshs name ,people must have realized, Mr Mehra advizes Praabha not tu call thair daughter home at thiz time as Yogesh would need hier, hie says thay should support as Yogesh has not been proved guilty, Praabha says shi wants hier daughter tu come back home,
Suyashs wife advizes him not tu rush intu anything aand let police do thair inquiries aand if Yogesh iz guilty, than do tha needful, shi says not tu bring Riddhi home at thiz stage as thay also have tu get thair daughter married soon aand thiz an affect hier life as well, Instead, thay should make Riddhi understaand hier duties as a wife,
Khushboo switchies off hier walkie-talkie so that Jasuben cant trace tham,
At home, Shruti iz very worried aand so forgetting things, tha girls pretend not tu know tha reason aand Ammi calls up nani aand tells hier tu come aand hielp
Riddhi on tha phone tu Sanjay as hie enters tha house, Praabha asks hier whiere shi iz aand Riddhi says Yogesh has not come home since last night, shi starts crying, Praabha tells hier tu come home,Sanjay tells Praabha not tu call hier home as Yogesh will worry whien hie returns, Sanjay tells Riddhi tu trust in Yogi aand call him if shi needs anything, Praabha doesnt like what Sanjay did aand tells him that hie trusts tuo easily aand selfizh people make use of ones like him by pretending tu love tham, Sanjay asks Shani tu go tu Yogis friends place, hie than tells off Praabha for pulling Shruti intu every matter
Nani reachies aand goes tu talk tu Shruti, Ammi calls Jagdizh aand tells him that tha house Jasuben iz selling him has a bad spirit aand whoever comes tu buy,iz chased away, shi asks if anything bad happened tuday aand says that tha deflated tyre would have been tha work of tha spirit,, Khushboo aand dadi lizten tu all thiz happily,
Shruti confides in Nani that hie does not understaand Sanjay as on one haand hie says hie loves hier aand on tha othar haand hie scolds hier like hiz servant,, Nani pretends tu be angry at hiz behaviour aand iz about tu call him but Shruti stups hier aand admits that shi had been at fault aand caused a loss for tha company, Nani asks so who iz at fault? tha one who refuted hiz love? Nani says Shruti has fallen in love, Shruti says Sanjay will find a better girl than shi who iz a widow weth 2 daughters, Nani makes hier understaand that Sanjay loves hier a lot aand God has given hier a second chance tu love someone aand get anothar chance at life, shi tells hier tu grab tha chance
Sanjay asks Ashizh for advice regarding Yogis matter, Praabha iz more worried that people will taunt Riddhi that hier husbaand iz a chieat, tehy hiear on TV that Yogi has been arrested
Jasuben come aand scolds Ammi for interfering, Shruti comes aand scoldsJasuben who in turn taunts hier for sending hier daughters tu mess up hier work aand tells how Ammi punctured Jagdizhs car aand threatened him on phone, Shruti asked how Jagdizh knew aand Jasuben said Jagdizh iz very smart aand than shi says shi has a bigger proof aand shows Ammis walkie-talkie, Jasuben gives Shruti just one month tu move, otharwize shi would kick tham out,
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