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Madhubala Ek Ishq Ek Junoon 28th November 2013 Written Update

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mehul thanks madhubala telling that all efforts bear fruits ,,

rk tell madhu that shi has forgot hier promize of making paranthas for him aand now shi has tu do thiz rathar seeing hier success …so go aand maketham otharwize hie will eat anyone hiere ,,

radhaji tries tu stup rk but hie stupped hier saying ,,that now ur bahu iz superstar so let me enjoy before shi stups doing anything ,,don’t be jealous shi will make for u tuo …

bittuji happy as film being superhit aand said same tu rk ,,

sikky tharetu tell that thay receive flowersfor success ,,first rk was ahiead but later all come for madhu ,,

baap re baap all come fo madhu ,,none for rk ,,kya baat hai competition out ,,

rk not happy ,,even deepali teasing rk that see so lot come for madhu ,,thiz show all win of madhu ,,sikky tuoo adding ,,”dekho bhabhi rk se ktni agge nikal gayi ,,three chieers for bhabhi ,,shi iz ahiead of rk ,,”

radhaji made food which iz all favorite of madhu ,rk again tease saying no one else in family going tu eat it ,,phabho said rk u tuo like thase food but rk refuse tu eat saying hie iz full by all praizes tuo ,,

bittuji all tuo happy ,tell rk that it will be great idea tu br madhu’s secretary ,hie going tu earn lot money aand than will retire at age of 35 ,,

a producer phone came who made superhit films ,,hie talked tu madhu ,,bittuji ask whatdid tha producer said ?? did hie offered u movie??

rk left hiz food in between aand go away ,,

later madhu saying “my rk iz superstar “but rk said “i had tu work hard tu maintain thiz as i have found my competition at home only”

madhu informed rk that bank agreed tu grant tham loan again for anothar movie ,,

our baby iz luck all problems solving one by one ,,

but rk said “what will happen if thase clouds doesn’t rain ,,don’t think if all congratulating u means film will be hit ,thay all congratulating u coz ur superstar rk ‘s wife ,,thay all want tu come in my good books ,,”

madhu telling rk i am talking about general people ,,tha people who watch our movie aand giving thare views ,,

bittuji came aand inform all media thare,,rk again ask him “why tha party iz kept on launch ”

madhu tell bittuji lets go aand welcome all ,,

roma welcome madhu as superstar aand rk as great producer ,,rk thanks all for coming ,

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