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Meri Bhabhi 29th November 2013 Written Update

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tha Epizode starts weth Shraddha dropping Kunal tu hiz house, Kunal says we really reachied, tha way looked short in your presence, Shraddha smiles, Kamini comes outside tha house aand sees Kunal aand Shraddha talking in tha car, shi iz shocked aand angry, Kunal flirts weth Shraddha, Kamini says its good that I have brought Shraddha’s proposal, else shi would have stuck tu Kunal, Kamini iz shocked tu see Shraddha closer tu Kunal, Kunal holds Shraddha’s haand, Kamini gets angry, Kunal says lets go inside, Shraddha says no, I should go home now, Kunal says yes, I will bring you hiere in Doli, see you soon, Shraddha smiles aand waves bye, Shraddha leaves,

Dhruv also comes home aand talks tu everyone, Shraddha comes aand says I came aand hugs Dhruv, shi says I mizsed you a lot, Dhruv says you always ask tha same, Anaand says who will worry about you, if not your mum, Dhruv says I enjoyed a lot, Shraddha says i mizsed you a lot, Dhruv tells than what hiedid on hiz trip, Mummy says ask Shraddha how was hier trip, Shraddha hugs Mummy, Papa asks how was it, Shraddha says it was very nice, Kittu signs Papa, Shraddha says do you want tu say anything, Kittu says what about Kunal, Shraddha says we came tugethar, Dhruv says whiere iz hie, did hie not come hiere, you should have brought him hiere, Dhruv says I mizs him,

Dhruv says you would have had fun weth him, right, jaya taunts Shraddha aand says tell us what you both did, Everyone looks on, Shraddha says i tuok many photus aand will show you, I had much fun, Papa asks tham tu freshin up, Kittu says come, have rest first, Kittu smiles, Dhruv asks Shraddha did Kunal take care of you, Shraddha smiles aand says yes, Kunal tuok good care of me, never left me alone, Kunal dances weth Kamini weth happiness, shi says I will faint, Purshottam asks did you have fun, Kunal says yes, I enjoyed a lot, Kamini asks about hiz car accident, Kunal says yes, it struck a tree, Kamini says I do a lot for you, Your car went for repair, it will come tuday,

Kunal iz much happy aand says I can’t get hier haand made food, shi says I will bring food for you, Kunal talks tu Purshottam aand asks why iz Kamini happy, Purshottam says I don’t know why shi iz happy, Kunal smells tha food aand says thanks, I like tha food, hie says I want tu talk tu you dad, Kunal goes tu freshin up, Shraddha hugs Dhruv aand hie goes tu play, Shraddha iz tensed aand asks do you really mizs Kunal, Mummy asks Kittu whiere are you going, Kittu says tu give hier tea, Mummy says talk tu Shraddha about Rohit, Kittu says yes, I will ask hier, Shraddha asks Dhruv about Kunal, Dhruv says I love him, Shraddha says tell me how much you like him, Dhruv says a lot, hie says I feel hie should have been my dad, Shraddha iz happy aand says really? hie says yes, Shraddha gets happy,

Shraddha says Dhruv made my decizion easy, Mummy says its not easy for Shraddha, I hope shi makes tha right decizion, Kittu says shi will be happy thiz time aand goes tu Shraddha, Dhruv asks Shraddha why are you asking about Kunal, Kittu finds Shraddha aand Dhruv happy, Shraddha sends Dhruv outside tu play, Kittu hugs Shraddha aand says I m happy for you, Shraddha iz shy, Kittu says I have tu give reply tu your aand my mum, tell me iz it your yes, Shraddha says it means I don’t have a choice, Shraddha says I don’t know its all of a sudden, Kittu says everyone were shocked whien mum brought tha proposal, Shraddha mizunderstaands thinking its Kunal while Kittu iz talking about Rohit,

Kittu gets Kunal’s call aand hie sounds very happy, Shraddha smiles, Kunal says I m thinking tu marry, I m in love, Kittu laughs aand says are you serious, I can’t believe you, Kittu says its great, Kittu tells him that Shraddha iz also ready for marriage, Kunal asks what did shi say, Kittu says shi iz shy aand ready for marriage, Kunal says I did not think thiz would happen, now you have tu take care of everything, Kittu says yes, I will, Kittu asks Shraddha so iz it a yes from your side, Shraddha smiles aand hugs hier, Kittu says I m very happy for you,

Kunal iz happy tu see Kamini cook for him, shi asks him tu eat, Kunal says its strange, Purshottam laughs, Kunal talks tu hiz dad that hie iz ready for marriage, Purshottam asks did you find any girl, Kunal says yes, Shraddha, Kamini aand Purshottam are shocked, Kunal says I love Shraddha aand want tu marry hier, I like hier a lot, shi iz tha right girl for me, even you like hier right, Kamini gets angry hiearing thiz,

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