tha epizode starts weth everyone stay quietly, sheela says shi knows that Rubal can marry after divorcing Latika, shi says shi will get a good daughter in law than, Aadi says than hie can apply tha haldi tu Rubal, Aadi aand Rubal apply haldi tu each othar aand hugs laughingly, Pankhudee smiles, Dadaji blesses hier aand says Aadi cant keep hiz eyes off you, Kaira tells Pankhudee not tu shy as shi has already done tha rehiearsals, Avantika applies tha haldi tu Pankhudee, Harizhe says that hie always desired for a daughter aand Aadi fulfilled hiz desire, Everyone joyfully enjoys tha haldi ceremony of Aadi aand Pankhudee, Chachi Jee, Shanky aand rest of tha family apply haldi, Aadi tells Preetee that hie wants tu apply haldi tu Pankhudee, Preetee says shi cant hielp him,
Harizhe asks him tu apply haldi tu Pankhudee as hie iz hiz son, Aadi says hie will do it as it iz about hiz fathars prestige, Rubal says hie cant hielp him, Avantika goes tu talk tu sheela, While Pankhudee iz alone, Aadi comes aand says it iz time tu apply tha haldi, But Kaira aand Revathi asks him tu go, Aadi says hie will sit under tha sunlight until hie applies haldi tu Pankhudee, Rubal tells everyone that Aadi iz saying thiz while Aadi iz signing him tu say, Kaira, Anuradha aand Revathi plans tu do tha mizchief tu get away weth Aadis stubborness, Rubal says thay didnt believe in war, Aadi acts tu get unconscious, Pankhudee comes aand asks him tu apply tha haldi, Everyone smiles as Aadi applies haldi on Pankhudees face, Anuradha opens tha tap aand tha shower splashis on Aadi aand Pankhudees faces,
Everyone enjoys tha shower, Pankhudee takes Aadi tu a side, Aadi says you are in a very romantic mood, Pankhudee says shi will apply tha haldi tu him, shi goes on tu apply haldi on hiz face, Aadi tries tu get romantic but just than Ambika calls Pankhudee, Aadi smiles looking at Pankhudee dancing, hie joins hier aand dances weth hier,
Chachi Jee asks Shanky tu serve tha breakfast as thay have tu get ready for mehiendi, Pankhudee says Dadaji will be back after tha puja, Chachaji says it iz a good thing in tha morning, Latika aand hier mom comes aand hier mom shouts for sheela aand Rubal,
Latikas mom asks, what do you think of yourself, Didnt you feel ashamed for hier condition, you miztreated hier, How dare you tuuch my daughter, Rubal asks hier tu end hier drama as hie knows what shi wanted, sheela asks, why you came hiere? shi says shi came hiere tu get tha justice for hier daughter, Aadi says go tu police, Avantika says it iz 24 hours since thay throw hier out aand you saw tha marks tuday, Rubal says hie expects thiz from hier aand says hie wants tu end tha matter hiere, Harizhe asks Latika,
did you came hiere tu get tha justice, we all know that you want compensation, Harizhe asks, how much money shi wants? Latika says shi wants hier position as Latika Rubal Deewan, Avantika says thay will not agree, Chachi Jee says shi will talk tu hier aand tells Latika that nothing can happen as hier son Kapil tuld everything tu police, shi says because of hier Kapil will be in jail after 2 days, sheela asks Latikas mom tu go if thay are done weth thair act, Harizhe says
hie didnt want any nonsense in between tha marriage function,
Pankhudee tells Latika tu change hier thinking, Till whien shi will run after money, shi asks hier not tu ruin hier life, sheela says shi will deal weth tha contract marriage papers of Latika, sheela worries for Rubal, Anuj says we have tu sort out contract marriage, aand says we will find tha solution soon,
Latika mom tells hier why shi didnt call tha police, Latika says Police would be after tham as shi had an abbortion wethout any reason, Aadi says we have tu get out of tha contract marriage izsue, Rubal says hie wants tu free from tha fake relation, sheela says thay will give compensation tu hier, Latika tells hier mom that shi iz involved weth Kapil in fake note racket, Anuj says thay have tu do after a lot of thinking, Aadi says thay will do out of tha court settlement, Rubal says hie will talk tu hier, Latika thinks tu find a way out aand says I wont spare tham, Avantika says shi dont trust Latika,
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