tha epizode starts weth shiela telling Pankhudi that shi iz upset weth hier as shi stayed at Kamini place yesterday night aand shi has tu do tha work alone for Rubel’s roka ceremony, Kaira tells Pankhudi that Rubel has gone mad aand hie iz getting ready weth much enthusiasm, Anuj speaks about Kaira’s marriage, Kaira says shi will not marry as of now, Adi tells tham that Preeti maasi can’t come as shi has tu go for some work, Pankhudi suggests thay shall go tu Preeti maasi’s home weth Payal, Govardhan mama, Kamini mami aand Payal 1 aand hier dad come aand weth tha pleasantries, shi asks for shiela, Adi says shi iz getting ready as hier bahu iz coming, Avantika, Harizh, Payal 2 aand hier mom come now, Harizh asks for Rubel, Adi says hie iz getting ready, Rubel walks down tha stairs aand everyone looks at him happily, Rubel says sorry for keep tham waiting, Harizh pulls hiz leg, Avantika asks for shiela, Kaira says shi will come, Everyone settle down aand than shiela comes weth tha shagun plate, shi looks at Payal 1 aand than at Payal 2, Both of tham staands up, shiela proceeds tuwards Payal 2, shi says thiz iz my daughter in law nek/shagun, Pankhudi, Kamini, Govardhan, Payal 1 aand hier fathar get surprized aand shocked,
Rubel iz equally shocked, shiela gives tha shagun plate tu Payal 2, Rubel says 1 min aand says why you are joking even now, shiela didn’t understaand, Rubel says, you are giving shagun tu tha othar Payal just tu irritate me, Avantika says thiz iz not a joke, Rubel asks, if hie iz getting married tu Pankhudi’s cousin than why thay are giving Shagun tu Adi’s cousin, Everyone are shocked, Harizh says what iz thiz confusion aand you are about tu get married tu my Payal, Rubel says hie was talking about Pankhudi’s cousin Payal, Anuj asks, what hie iz thinking about, Rubel says hie likes Payal 1, Pankhudi says shi knows about it, Avantika asks, didn’t you aand Adi communicated about it, Adi aand Pankhudi says thay didn’t realize that thay were talking about tha othar Payal, Adi asks Rubel, why you mizguide us, Rubel says hie was talking about Payal 1, Adi says, you went for dinner weth my cousin, Pankhudi says hie went for dinner weth Payal 1, Adi wonders how it happened, Harizh says nobody knows about it, Rubel says hie iz very clear about hiz choice aand says hie likes Payal 1,
Payal 2 iz hieartbroken aand gets tears in hier eyes, Payal 2 goes near him aand asks why hie iz joking, Rubel says hie izn’t joking, hie says sorry for tha mizunderstaanding, shi asks, than why did you sent sms tu me? shi shows tha sms, Rubel says hie sent thiz sms tu Payal 1, Payal 2 asks, than why I got it, Rubel chiecks on hiz mobile aand sees tha number, hie tells Adi that hie thought hie iz communicating weth Pankhudi’s cousin Payal,
Avantika says shi saw him mingling weth Payal 2, Rubel says tu make tham confortable, hie apologizes tu Payal 2 aand says hie can’t get engage tu hier, Payal 2 gets shattered aand cries, Avantika conforts hier, Pankhudi blames hierself for tha mizunderstaanding, Adi says you are not tu be blamed, shiela feels for Rubel, Govardhan mama aand Kamini says thay didn’t do right tu agree for thiz, Harizh says we shall decide what tu do? Govardhan mama says lets talk about Rubel aand Payal 1 marriage, Avantika asks,why Payal 2 should be punizhied, Kamini speaks infavour of Payal 1, Harizh’s sizter falls down unable tu take it any longer, harizh gets angry on Avantika,
Anuj says thiz confusion have happened because of tha same name, shiela asks, what tu do now? Govardhan, Kamini, Payal aand hier fathar leaves, Payal 1 asks, are thay satizfied after embarassing tham, kamini says Rubel likes you, Payal 1 says but shi don’t like him aand shi will not accept him, Payal’s dad says what we will answer tu everyone, Payal 1 says, I will inform everyone about Rohit, hier fathar tries tu convince hier, shi gets sms from Rohit asking hier tu marry Rubel, shi gets shocked aand teary eyed, Govardhan mama looks on as hie might be behind Rohit’s message,
Payal 1 calls Rohit but hie didn’t pick tha call, Kamini asks, tu whom shi iz calling again aand again, hier Dad asks, what shi iz doing, Payal 1 tells hier Dad that Rohit messaged hier tu marry Rubel aand forget him, hie says it iz good that you came tu know of hiz true nature, Govardhan mama says hie iz not good aand asks hier tu marry Rubel, Payal 1 says shi needs a answer for Rohit, Rohit iz seen somewhiere aand hiz haands aand legs are cuffed, hie says Payal will be only hiz,
Payal 2 mothar cries for hier daughter’s, Harizh blames himself, Adi says it was my miztake, Adi says sorry aand says hie will try tu correct everything, Rubel comes thare aand says nothing will change aand says sorry for tha confusion, Payal’s mum says we shall leave now, Harizh says we shall leave now,
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