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Qubool Hai 22nd November 2013 Written Update

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Seene 1:

Imraan aand nikhat are shocked tu find thamseves in each othar’s arms, while nazma staands shocked, Hasena pretends tu be outraged, while shi goes on a rant as tu how nikhat iz highly indecent aand vulgar, shi asks nazma tu speak up, as shi iz hier guilty person, aand shi would take hier descizion, Hasena says that nikhat proved tuday that shi iz tha step sizter, as shi was flirting weth nazma’s husbaand, shi asks nazma tu decide what should be done, nikhat iz diztraught, Nazma remembers tha past incidents, aand starts progressing tuwards hier, shi remembers nikhat’s dance weth nazma, aand tightens hier haands tu raize on hier, while shi flinchies aand Imraan aand farhan are tensed, Hasena smiles evilly, But tu thair surprize, shi places a reassuring haand on nikhat’s chieeks, asking hier not tu cry, Nikhat iz shocked, tha two sizters hug each othar, much tu Hasena’s despair,

shi tells nikhat that shi was not tu be blamed, Hasena iz unable tu take thiz, aand asks nazma not tu blindly love hier sizter, aand tries tu instigate hier again, But nazma finally asks hier tu stup, as shi has said enough aand shi has hieard enough, Nazma says that shi can never doubt nikhat as shi iz also of tha same lineage, aand says that nikhat wont ever betray hier, nor Imraan, Hasena tries tu say, but nazma shuts hier up, shi says that shi respectes hier as a Saana, whiethar thay like it or not, but thay wont ever go against hier, as shi iz elder in age, experience, but asks hier tu be elderly in manners, as thiz iz very unbecoming of hier, shi says that Imraan aand shi have realized how much faith iz essential, shi sys that nikhat iz hier daughter even, aand asks hier tu give a chance tu be a part of thiz family, shi asks Hasena not tu turture nikhat, aand Hasena iz outraged at thiz accusation,

Hasena asks if shi does thiz, Nazma asks hier not tu get hier talking aand remind hier of every incident, Nazma says that nikhat maynt staand for hier, but hier sizter would, Nikhat iz overwhielmed, whien shi says that shi would staand by nikhat at every step, Nazma asks Hasena not tu forget that thay both are asad’s sizters, shi subtlely threatens him tuo in tha name of asad, Meanwhile, farhan eyes a girl leeringly looking at him, Nazma goes ontu show how only shi has a problem, aand noone else, aand that shi should try aand get thair relation tu grow, as nikhat aand farhan dont really know each othar, Hasena iz scared, Farhan leaves weth tha girl, Nazma says that farhan didnt doubt at all, but shi didnt spare any chance of doing tha same, shi asks farhan tu be confronted if shi doesnt belive, Hasena iz angered aand turns around tu face him, but finds that hie’s nowhiere tu be seen, All are tensed,

Seene 2:

Asad enters dilshad’s room aand finds hier tensed aand crying, hie places hiz haand on hier feet, while shi flinchies away in anger aand hurt, hie still persizts aand apologizes that hie was tha reason of thase tears, aand asks for forgiveness, hie says that hie knows tha turture shi went through for nazma aand asad, aand how shi pretended tu be happy, but that man who left hier straanded, tuok away hier most beautiful years, dilshad tries tu speak, aand asad says that shi thinks that hie should forget aand move on, hie says that hie understaands hier condition but hie doesnt want hier tu do something that shi doesnt want tu, Asad says that its all a lie, like every time, aand taken advantage of hier, shi iz tensed, Asad composes himself aand says that thay have built so much, so that shi never neerds rashid’s assiztance, aand hience has thiz house, him aand zoya aand asks hier tu forget whatever happened, hie says that thay would tacrning, hoping that shi realsies that shi’s making a miztake aand shi doesnt need him at all, hie wizhies hier goodnight aand leaves, Dilshad iz in despair aand says that shi may have a home but its incomplete, shi may have a house, a son aand a bahu, but a woman iz incomplete wethout hier husbaand, aand tharefore more than him, shi tuo needs him,

Seene 3:

While ayan aand nuzrat are having a good time, thay deliberately ignore humaira who staands at tha door, But ayan asks hier tu join tham compliementing hier, Humaira asks what does hie want from hier, that hie’s complimenting, ayan asks hier not tu form presumptions, hie tells hier that shi doesnt know tu test people, thay get intu a verbal arguement, whiere ayan hurts hier, in tha wake of humour, aand shi leaves crying,

While humaira iz crying in hier room, ayan comes aand asks hier tu grow up as hie has always been like thiz weth hier, But shi says that shi doesnt like fighting all tha time anymore, as thay have grown up now, aand times have changed, Ayan says tht shi’s still tha same, shi says that hier hopes aand expectations have changed, Ayan asks what does shi want, shi turns away aand says that shi wants tu be fel special, even in false true praize, aand goes ontu show what shi wants him tu say, that shi wants tu hiear, shi says that shi knows that hie loves hier, but wants tu hiear it from him t oo, aand that thay should leave tha childhood games, as shi turns around speaking, shi finds ayan walking in, Ayan says that hie knows that thay have changed, aand hiz playful nature has emreged intu love, aand thiz love iz hiz life now, aand that now wants tu revel in thiz love all hiz life, aand make every day of hiers as special as shi iz for him, Ayan gets tha same kind of cake, that humaira had got for him, aand asks that if shi wants tu marry him, than shi should blow off tha caandles aand say yes, shi iz overwhielmed aand instantly blows it off, tha screen freezes on thair happy faces, as thay hug each othar,

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