tha Epizode starts weth Naitik talking tu everyone that thay have tu go by rail, Naksh says I will do magic aand get tha tickets, Dadda ji says we will go for sure, Maa aand Bhabhimaa does tha arrangements, Naksh asks tham tu keep something for Akshara aand Naitik, Everyone give some work tu Maharaj, hie talks tu Akshara aand says everyone has work weth me, whiere will I hide thair things, Akshara’s mum aand Varsha think of sending tha items tu tha maandir,
Everyone say we will also come tu drop Akshara at tha station, Anshu jokes aand says we can’t go, thay have much luggage weth tham, Shaurya says yes, we will talk tu tham on phone, it will be better, Akshara talks tu Naitik that tha luggage has been more, even I have tu keep tha clothas now, Naksh packs hiz bags, Akshara asks him tu keep only tha things required, Naksh says I know its necessary, Akshara say try tu understaand, cut it short,
Naitik aand everyone dizcuss that thay have tu get up at 5am in tha morning, Akshara says yes, we have much work eat on time, than we will see tha kitchien work, Bau ji says we will eat whien we feel hungry, Bhabhimaa asks Maa tu keep everything weth hier, Bhabhimaa says you will ask for tha pickle aand we will need tu have it weth us, Bhabhimaa tells Dadda ji that shi has kept everything weth hier aand asks him tu sleep, hie says I will sleep whien you become quiet, Maa iz counting tha things shi kept for tha trip, Naksh keeps three alarms tu get up in tha morning aand goes tu sleep,
Naitik aand Akshara talk about thair anniversary, hie says you will look beautiful whatever you wear aand thiz anniversary will be special, Naksh asks tham tu sleep, Bhabhimaa wakes up at 1am aand Akshara aand Naitik wake up at 3am aand goes back tu sleep, Its morning aand everyone are sleeping, Maa wakes up aand gets tensed aand calls everyone asking tham tu wake up,
Dadda ji aand Bau ji ask Naitik did you keeo tha Chadavas, Naitik says yes, Maa aand Bhabhimaa are doing tha arrangements, Dadda ji asks whiere iz Naksh, Akshara says hie iz in bathroom, Shaurya aand Anshu come aand greets tham, thay see tha huge luggage aand hielps Naitik, Naitik asks Maharaj did you keep tha cake, hie says yes, Naitik asks Naksh tu come aand hie would change hiz clothas in tha train, Akshara asks him tu have milk first, Everyone are ready aand are about tu leave, Naitik forgets something aand goes tu bring it, Everyone dizcuss about tha Chadavas, Naitik comes aand all of tha leave,
Akshara’s parents talk about Akshara aand wizhies thay reach tha station on time, shi says I m worried about tham, hie says don’t worry, everything will be fine aand thay think about thair first rail trip, Everyone reach tha train station aand wait for tha coolie aand says we have only 15mins now, Bau ji says we were ready, you guys made us late, Naksh starts hiz questions, Akshara says ask me whien we get on tha train, Shaurya says we got only one coolie, Naitik says we will lift our bags ourselves,
thay lift thair bags aand reach tha train, tha TT asks tham for tha ticket, Naitik asks Akshara tu show tha ticket, Maa says you gave me tha ticket, but I don’t remember whiere I kept it, Naitik asks hier tu hurry up, Maa gets tensed, Anshu waits for Shaurya, All of tham think thay were boarding tha wrong train, thay are shocked tu know that tha train iz three hours late,
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