Swayaam asks Sharoon what iz shi doing whien Sharoon replies saying shi iz cooking,Swayaam says it iz already difficult aand asks hier not tu make it more difficult,Sharoon replies saying shi wont leave it aand go,Swayaam says hie has kaka whien Sharoon replies weth shi gave him an off,Swayaam asks why iz shi cooking around 4 in tha morning,Sharoon says for hiz breakfast so you can eat aand take rest,Swayaam iz about tu fall whien Sharoon holds him in hier arms,Sharoon says thiz was one of your wizh aand its getting fulfilled,
Swayaam replies saying shi has lost tha opportunity,Sharoon says whien hie made tha wizh did hie know that thay would ever be tugethar,tha iz a time o fulfill a wizh aand tuday one iz getting done,You like it or not Im making it,You can reject me but not ignore me, Swayaam falls down from hier arms whien Sharoon says sorry aand asks him if hie iz alright or has hie hurt somewhiere,Swayaam aand Sharoon both share an eye lock,
tha whole gang decides tu have night out ant Reys house aand thay sing a birthday song for him,Barath says though hie iz sleepy hie iz not able tu sleep,Simmi says wethout competition thair life has become boring,Rey agrees tu it aand says that since thay have been used tu competition thay trend tu get bored, thay say thay will continue celebrations,Since no one was getting sleep Vicky gets up aand says thay will dizcuss ghost sturies whien girls say no,thay decide tu play games whien Rey finally suggests Pillow fight,,tha pillow fight begins aand thay mess up tha whole hall, Sharoon brings in breakfast for Swayaam whien hie was keeping Ice bag on hiz hiead,Swayaam asks Sharoon tu go aand hie would have it,
Sharoona asks him tu focus on food aand not on hier,shi adds shi wont be leaving out before morning, Swayaam thinks Oh God whole night Sharoon will stay hiere,Swayaam tells hier hie iz not hungry,Sharoon says you must have tuld it whien I was cooking, Swayaam asks Sharoon why iz shi doing all thiz it feels strange aand hie iz uncomfortable,Sharoona asks him did you forget whien I was unwell you came aand tuok care of me made breakfast aand al, Swayaam remembers jumping intu hier room through window,Sharoon says shi will sit beside him aand take care,Swayaam says fine aand lies down on bed, Sharoon makes a face aand tells pulls up a chair aand sits down seeing Swayaam,Swayaam slightly opens hiz eyes whien Sharoon waves hier haand,Swayaam again sleeps out,
Sharoon wakes up o find Swayaam not in hiz bed,shi walks up tu hall whiere shi hiears sound aand sees Swayaam having food,shi thinks it must be good aand so iz hie eating,Swayaam thinks never thought Sharoon would cook delicious food,Chieese omelet iz god,hie than drinks hiz juice thanking hier for fulfilling hiz wizh,Sharoon sees thiz aand hides whien hie gets up,shi ruses intu tha room aand pretends tu sleep,Swayaam wallks in weth slow foot steps wethout making any noize aand sees Sharoon for a while aand later hops intu bed,Sharoon thinks so hie iz affected aand we can soon be tugethar,shi says tu hierself shi wont loose him aand hie needs tu love hier again, Illl make you fall in Love weth me Mr,shikhawat,Thiz iz tha right time,
Sharoon iz in hier house getting ready whien shi says a new day,a new look aand a new Sharoon for Swayaam,shi needs tu search hiz dream aand so hiere it comes, Vicky aand Nilesh reach college in Simmis tata nano aand advertize it, Rey asks Swayaam how iz hie,Swayaam says hie iz better, Barath says hie though Sharoon would have made it bad, thay get tu know VP wants tu meet Swayaam,Sharoon,Rey aand Aashi all search for Sharoon,Vicky says hie felt tha whole cultural team iz important,Barath says tha person who shows attitude has not come aand whien shi comes hie wont be able tu do anything, Sharoon enters dressed in salwar,
Vicky asks iz it traditional day tuday,tha girls says shi looks great aand one asks hier iz it not tuo white,Swayaam keeps seeing hier,Rey asks hier shi iz looking good but why thiz different look, Sharoon says being predictable iz boring aand so from tuday whatever shi does shi will do it differently,shi asks tham tu be ready for suprize,Vicky says whien you stayed back yesterday aand tuok care of Swayaam we made our-self ready by than,Aashi inform that thay are getting late tu meet tha VP,Swayaam says khoobsurat tu himself whien Sharoon asks what did hie says,Swayaam thinks was it loud aand nods in negation whien Rey says hie tuld nothing,Swayaam aand Sharoon move in same way aand are about tu bang each othar whien Swayaam asks Sharoon tu move first aand than hie follows,
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