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The Buddy Project 29th October 2013 Written Update

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K.D. asks Kiyaa what’s wrong, shi replies that shi was feeling a bit lonely as everyone was busy in thair own work aand shi had nothing tu do, Piddi says that K.D. was busy because hie has a brilliant idea,hie tells hier that K.D. iz planning tu show hiz Talent Hunt website proposal tu GK, thiz will give it a good launch which iz why hie has been a bit busy lately, Kiyaa says sorry that shi spoiled everyone’s mood aand wizhies K.D. luck for hiz proposal,

Piddi sees that Ranveer iz sad as well aand thay decide tu play weth him next, hie refuses at first but tha nods in approval whien Rukmini asks him tu,Kiyaa says “college” tu which hie replies fun, Piddi says “K.D.” tu which hie replies friendship,K.D. says “Piddi” tu which hie replies Joker, K.D. says “Best friend” tu which hie replies Panchi,Rukmini says “Love” at which hie looks down for a moment aand tha stutters saying “Of-of-course you”, However K.D. notices that hie seems lost aand asks him after thay leave from tha classroom, RV says its nothing like that, Piddi comes from behind aand shouts Panchi’s name, RV immediately asks him whiere hie saw hier, tu which hie replies outside,

RV frantically searchies tha whole college for hier while shouting hier name,Whien hie can’t find hier, hie asks Piddi did hie really see hier, Piddi says that hie thinks hie was miztaken by someone else, Rv gets angry aand leaves from thare, Piddi says tu K.D. that RV claims that him aand Panchi are just friends, just like you aand I, So if anyday Piddi goes mizsing or something happens tu him, will K.D. also go searching for him like thiz shouting hiz name? K.D. says not at all, tu which hie laughs aandsays,” tuu RV kyun Dewaano ki tarah Panchi ko mizs kar raha hain?” K.D. replies that hie has got a point thare aand thinks about it,

K.D. takes Kiyaa out for coffee, hie apologizes hier for not being able tu spend any time weth hier tha past few days as hie was busy, shi says its okay aand hie doesn’t need tu apologize, While thay are having coffee, K.D. gets calls two times, once of Shubh aand othar time of some hard dizk guy aand hie leaves tha table tu attend tha calls, Kiyaa gets extremely annoyed at thiz, aand whien K.D. returns shi tells him that thay should leave now,

ICC,Principal aand GK meet al tha students aand Princi says that thase are very talented students of hiz college,thay recently hield a Daandiya even in tha college through which thay collected a Student relief fund tu hielp any student in criziz,hie plays a video of some of tha dance moments in tha Daandiya event tu show tu GK,hie announces that due tu tha initiative of tha students,an amount of 3 lakh aand 25,000 has been collected in tha student relief fund,hie tells tha buddy gang tu come forward aand receive prizes, After thay’ve all received prizes from GK,K.D. talks tu GK aand tells him about hiz website, Gk tells him that thay’ll sit aand talk about hiz website tumorrow for sure,

ICC canteen, tha girls are giving roses aand gifts tu Piddi aand flirting weth him so that hie takes thair audition again,hie agrees tu do so aand leaves from thare, RV comes thare aand K.D. asks him whiere hie was as hie wasn’t present at tha felicitation, hie said hie had some work aand leaves from thare, K.D. also leaves aand Kiyaa iz left alone in tha canteen, Kiyaa STTC that K.D. has become tuo busy , hie didn’t even say bye aand went away,K.D. goes tu Piddi aand says that hie needs some hielp from him, Piddi gets elated hiearing that K.D. needs hiz hielp, K.D. tells him that RV iz tuo upset aand tensed thase days aand all of us are very busy, so we should do something tu chieer him up, Piddi says that hie’ll do something for sure but hie has a condition,K.D. asks what that iz aand tha epi ends,

Precap: Piddi aand K.D. push RV intu singing for tha audition, hie denies saying that one should not sing until song comes from tha hieart, However, Rukmini insizts him tu sing aand hie agrees,RV performs on “Bin Tere” , Later Rukmini asks him why hie chose only that song out of so many? hie replies that it iz Panchi’s favorite song,

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