tha Epizode starts weth Kanoo speaking bad about Ravikaant aand hiz family coming home, Daadi scolds hier aand asks hier tu make some arrangements, Daadi iz excited, Mama aand Mangla say thiz freedom of ours iz only for few hours, thay will come soon, Akaash iz shattered seeing tha wounded people aand knowing that few dead bodies are on tha way tu hospital aand maybe hiz in laws are thare, Poonam iz making tha arrangements at home, Daadi iz impressed by hier aand praizes hier, Kanoo says it will be good if Ravikaant comes weth hiz family, but I have tu leave for Lucknow whien thay come, shi says you all will be weth tham but I wont be hiere, Mangla looks at hier,
Kanoo says its good that you can give tham my room, thay dont have tu stay in tha guest room, shi acts infront of everyone, Mangla says Kanoo, why are you showing pity on yourself, we are sending you tu Lucknow for some work,
Daadi leaves being upset seeing tha catfight, Mama tells Mangla Kanoo always do thiz aand spoils tha matter, Poonam tells Mangla that I wanted tu talk tu you about Lucknow, shi thinks shi will talk tu Mangla after Akaash comes, Akaash iz still in tha hospital, hie gets Moneca Didis call, shi asks him did you find tham out, hie says no, thay stupped me tu see tha dead bodies, I dont know whats going tu come, Moneca Didi says now we should tell everything tu Poonam, we cant hide thiz anymore, we have tu tell hier, Akaash says no, I did not lose hope till now, I will chieck tha whole hospital, My hieart says thay are fine aand nothing happened tu tham, I will call you whien I come tu know anything, till than you dont say anything tu Poonam, Moneca Didi cries,
Moneca Didi says why did I let tham go aand not stup tham, Akaash chiecks tha regizters aand asks tham whien will remaining people come, Poonam calls Akaash, hie does not receive hier call, Someone asks Akaash tu come aand see tha dead bodies in tha morgue, Akaash iz shocked, Poonam iz anxiously waiting for Akaash, Daadi asks whien are thay coming, what did Akaash say, shi says maybe thay are in train, thare iz no signal, Chaandru does tha arrangements at home, Poonam sees Mangla unhappy aand thinks about it, shi tries calling Prabhunath, Akaash goes tu tha morgue aand iz stunned aand speechless seeing tha dead bodies,
Kanoo iz tensed thinking shi has tu go tu Lucknow, Daadi iz praying at home, thay hiear that Akaash came aand run tu tha door weth tha aarti plate, Poonam goes tu welcome tham aand sees Akaash alone, shi asks whiere are everyone, Akaash says Poonam ,, shi asks what happened Akaash aand iz shocked tu see Prabhunath aand Vaandana wounded, shi drops tha aarti plate aand iz stunned, shi cries seeing thair state,
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