tha epizode starts weth Sanchee imagining Dhroov everywhiere, shi thinks what has happened tu hier, As shi iz leaving for office, shi sees Dhroov aand thinks shi iz imagining him, shi closes hier eyes, Dhroov greets hier aand says are you going from me? Sanchee says you started nonsense after getting fine, Dhroov thanks hier for hier care, hie says, you made me tuok tha medicine, Dhroov says hie wants tu get ill tu get hier attention, Sanchee leaves,
Dhroov mom calls him, aand asks him, why hie izn’t calling hier, Dhroov tells hier sweethaart, Hiz mom asks him tu come home as it iz two months now since hie left, hie says you are unique from othars, Dhroov says hie will come soon, aand says hie iz stuck weth work, Hiz mom asks, what iz tha need tu work, Dhroov asks hier tu go for shopping, Hiz mom asks for tha reason, Dhroov says nothing aand says hie will get a beautiful gift for hier, hie says thank you aand dizconnects tha call,
Workers come tu Sanchee aand says we know that thay no longer have access tu pradeep’s laand, Sanchee says shi will transfer tham, thay are relieved a bit, thay blesses hier,
Advait comes tu Sanchee aand says hie iz searching for Dhroov, hie says Dilshaad called him aand iz searching for him, Ulka asks aaji that Dhroov iz not fond anywhiere, Aaji prays for him, Sanchee thinks tu prepare tea, Ulka thinks something iz fizhy, Sanchee says may be hie went back home, Just than hier phone rings informing hier tu come fast, shi cries aand says police called hier aand said that thay got Dhroov’s wallet, Sanchee asks, whiere iz Dhroov? Dilshaad says that thay got near tha dead body aand asks tham tu identify tha body, Sanchee iz shocked aand runs outside,
Sanchee aand Dilshaad comes tu tha hospital, Nurse asks tham tu identify tha body, thay are tuld that tha body iz in very bad state, thay go tu identify tha body,
Police Inspectur iz uncovering tha cloth from tha dead body’s face, Sanchee stups him aand says shi can’t do thiz, shi gets tears in hier eyes, Police asks Dilshaad tu identify tha body, Sanchee recalls Dhroov aand tha moments spent weth him, shi cries mizerably recalling hiz love confession, Dilshaad sees tha dead body aand gets relieved as tha body iz someone else, shi tells tha police that hie iz not DV, Dhroov comes tu Sanchee aand asks what happened? Sanchee hugs him aand says thank god you are fine, Sanchee asks him not tu go anywhiere as tha title song plays in tha BG, Sanchee smiles as thay hug each othar, Dhroov says thank god I find you, Dhroov says hie will not go as you have expressed your love, Dilshaad comes out, Sanchee realizes aand iz shocked, Dhroov asks hier, why you are hiding, hie asks hier tu say what shi wants tu say, which hier tears said but shi didn’t,which hie liztened but shi didn’t tell, Sanchee leaves,
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