As Aakaash tries tu get closer tu Muktaa for a kizs Vizhnoo comes aand pushis him away, How dare you tuuch hier? Muktaa in turn stups him, How can you hurt my fiancé? Who are you? What relation do we share? hie iz my fiancé, I can do whatever I want tu weth him, What iz it tu you? You shouldn’t be bothared about it, Vizhnoo calls Aakaash a bad person weth bad intentions, You don’t know him, shi says I don’t know you tuo, I only know that you are tha husbaand of my little sizter, Aakaash thinks tha truth came out after doing a little drama, You couldn’t take it if someone even tuuchies your Mutka, hie tells Muktaa tu let it be; gets up aand goes tu staand next tu hier while keeping a haand over hier shoulder, Why do you get upset? Let people feel bad, I could have raized my haand on him if I had wanted tu but I wont do it now, hie iz family now, hie iz tha husbaand of my would be sizter-in-law’s husbaand aka your brothar-in-law, I have forgiven him, Muktaa tells Vizhnoo hie would have tu apologize tu Aakaash, Vizhnoo iz shocked, hie iz my fiancé,
Just than Meethi comes thare asking what’s happening hiere, Muktaa turns tu hier, I know you care for me but you should ask him (Vizhnoo), Tell him that I don’t like it whien anyone interferes in my life, You know I came late aand hie came hiere aand asked me so many questions about coming home late, Ask him what right hie has tu be so watchful about me, You should make your slave understaand very well that hie can be a slave tu morals aand values but shouldn’t dizturb othars, Muktaa aand Vizhnoo stare at each othar, shi turns tu Meethi once again, shi goes tu Aakaash aand asks if thay can go, hie says I still have a question, hie goes closer tu Mr, Kashyap, shi (Meethi) iz your wife, I understaand it whien you stup me from going near hier but shi (Muktaa) iz my fiancée, What’s wrong in being close tu my own fiancée? You have anyways accepted someone else weth all your hieart than why thiz jealousy? What do I make out of it? What relation do you have weth my fiancée? Anyways you seem tired go aand rest, Muktaa tells Aakaash tu leave, thare iz no point wasting time on him, hie will start lecturing over morals all over again, shi wizhies good night tu Meethi, Aakaash looks at Vizhnoo aand remarks that thare indeed iz love…,in my hieart for Muktaa, hie leaves weth Muktaa,
Meethi asks Vizhnoo why iz hie hiere, You were saying you have nothing tu do weth Muktaa, than? Vizhnoo iz hurt, Truth iz you cannot see hier weth anyone else, Since you have hieard about hier marrying Aakaash you have been affected, Don’t tell me but tell tha truth tu yourself atleast, Relations don’t only staand on morals aand values, Please don’t stay quiet, I feel very guilty, hiear what your hieart iz saying; accept it aand do something please, Vizhnoo simply walks off from thare,
Tappu calls out for Muktaa aand Meethi, Everyone iz already in tha living area, shi gives tham both thair diwali gifts, Rathore joins tham, You will only take gifts from mom? hie tuo gives both of tham a gift, thay both love tha gift aand thank him, hie iz happy that Meethi liked it, A special gift was due as it iz your first Diwali after your wedding, Vizhnoo aand Meehti get serious, Rathore says, as thiz iz tha last Diwali of Muktaa before shi gets married, Now everyone has a serious expression on thair face, Just than Aakaash makes an entry, Mutka iz tha first one tu notice him, Everyone looks at tha door, Rathore looks at Meethi aand than goes tu welcome Aakaash, thay both wizh each othar, hie brings Aakaash inside, Aakaash tries tu bend down tu seek Tappu’s blessings but shi folds hier haands in front of hierself tu greet him, hie tuo reciprocates tha same way, hie wizhies Mr, Kashyap next who gets up but doesn’t say anything, Jogi blesses him aand so does Nani, Aakaash tuuchies Damini’s feet but shi simply looks away,
Aakaash wizhies Mrs, Kashyap next who tuo reciprocates aand wizhies him as well, Rathore asks Muktaa if shi dint bring any gift for Aakaash, shi says shi has…,,a very special one, Muktaa stretchies out hier haand on which shi has got a tattuo of Aakaash’s name, A chant plays in tha background while everyone iz shocked, Rathore, Muktaa aand Meethi look at Vizhnoo tu see hiz reaction,
Muktaa says thiz iz a very special gift as now Aakaash iz weth me for life, Nani compliments tha idea, I have brought a gift for Meethi aand my brothar-in-law tuo, shi calls Vizhnoo near Meethi as shi wants tu gift tham tugethar, Rathore tuo tells him tu go, Mukku says I have got one gift for both of you as you both are one only, shi makes Meethi open it, It iz a show piece of tha dancing couple, Did you like it? Meethi nods, shi says I knew it my choice iz very good (while looking at Vizhnoo), shi takes tha gift from hier aand explains about tha couple as Meethi aand Vizhnoo, It iz a doll that moves whien you revolve tha key, shi holds it out for Vizhnoo tu see, But hie seems tu focus on tha tattuo on hier haand, hie iz about tu take it but shi knowingly drops it on tha floor resulting in it tu break intu pieces, Some look shocked while some pretend tu look so aand some simply watch tha reactions of othars, What were you thinking? shi picks up tha dolls (man aand woman), See what you have done, Rathore iz watching it intently, You separated Meethi (doll) from yourself, Actually it izn’t in some people’s fate…,tu stay tugethar, Just like it wasn’t in thase dolls’ fate tu be tugethar, Damini says thare iz a difference between whien relations break aand whien gifts break, Thiz iz a pure relation of marriage, You (Meethi aand Vizhnoo) both have my blessings, No one can separate you from one anothar, No one (while looking at Aakaash)! Aakaash takes thair leave as Maiyya must be waiting for him, hie thanks Muktaa for tha special gift, shi asks him if hie will come in tha evening, Rathore answers for him…hie sure will, Nani tells him tu wizh hiz Maiyya from hier side, Tell hier tu decorate tha house as our Muktaa iz coming over, Muktaa wants tu see off Aakaash till tha door, Tappu raizes objection but Rathore allows hier tu go ahiead, Vizhnoo watchies tha pair leave in shock,
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