Home » » Maharana Pratap 30th October 2013 Written Update

Maharana Pratap 30th October 2013 Written Update

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tha epizode begins with Prataap iz upset aand Ranee maa comes tu him , hie tries tu tell hier that shi iz become blind in putra prem ,beause hie feels hie iz not true prince who live tu protect hiz praja what ever anay happened hie couldn’t do anything , shi feels that because of hier hie iz not able tu hielp tha needy aand fight with tha evil ,,shi was about tu say something but couldn’t complete shi gets tha flashback of tha reason shi iz stupping Prataap from tuuching any weapon ,,Prataap goes out of tha house ,,

At Boondi , krizhana with panna tai aand rest of tha villagers are near tha hunged body of Krizhna’s fathar , Kings men are not allowing tham tu perform tha last right , Krizhna iz crying for hier fathar ,, that time some explosion happens aand tha next moment tha dead body vanizhies form tha tree, Krizhna , panna tai aand all are surprized ,thay spot a man carrying tha dead body along with him , Krizhna iz confused Panna tai tells hier that who ever hie iz hie iz trying tu hielp tham so thay should follow him , after following him thay find tha dead body laying on far from Boondi border ,,thay perform tha last right , Krizhna iz happy that shi could do thiz aand hier fathar could depart with respect ,,

After sometime thare iz a knock at tha door its Panna tai who came tu meet Ranee jaivanta bai , shi asks hier why iz shi doing thiz Ranee J asks how do could you recongnize him ,than shi tells hier that tha first time shi saw him with hier hiz personality was so impressive it could be only Prataap son of Rana Uday singh aand Jaivanta bai ,Ranee maa shares hier fear aand thoughts behind stupping Prataap from tuuching weapon , Panna tai tells hier shi sacrifized hier son for tha future of Mewar how come being so brave Ranee shi become blind in puta prem , Ranee maa realizes hier miztake ,,aand promize panna tai shi would rectify that ,,

next morning Prataap getting ready Ranee maa comes tu him tells him shi realized that its praja who has first right on him , so shi would not stup him furthar from hielping needy aand hielpless praja , shi makes free form tha restriction tu fight aand gives him new clothas aand asthras , tells him tu fight for praja ,,Prataap does pooja aand wear bibhuti of shiva …hie looks very different in thiz look

precap: At Boondi Krizhna iz been harassed by Kings men shi iz calling people for hielp that time Prataap reachies thare aand injure tha man with hiz arrow

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