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Punar Vivaah 29th November 2013 Written Update

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Seene 1:

Location: Jagotia’s residence

While kamla iz tensed, as divya returns, divya retaliates by saying that shi didnt get tha police after telling hier what sarita tuld aand advized hier, kamla staands guilty, as divya says that sarita iz very noble aand shi wopnt let anything happen tu hier, divya leaves dizgusted,

tha next morning, kamla comes weth medicines tu divya, but shi throws it away, kamla tels hier not tu behave like thiz, as shi would lose all relations like thiz, divya sits dizgusted,

Seene 2:

Location: tha court room

Soham aand hiz family, except for kamla, are thare, tu wizh hier well, as sarita aand vikrant come wethg tha police, soham says that had hie got hiz way, hie would have taken tha blame, bjut tha court doesnt allow such emotions, Vikrant also thanks raj aand hiz family for thair support despite tha fear of being implicated, raj says that hie couldnt do enough, Sarita tells him that hie doesnt need tu feel bad, as shi’s lucky tu have a family like hier by hiere side, shi asks for divya, Shiela tells hier that divya hasnt slept all night aand has fever tuo, Sarita says that shi must be tensed for hier, aand god knows whien thay would meet again, Vikrant clutchies sarita’s haand aand takes hier tu tha convicted staand, Meanwhile, tha court proceedings continue whierein vikrant aand sarita are convicted, tha lawyer iz confused, as both sarita aand vikrant procliam tu be kajal’s murderer, each trying tu save tha othar, tha lawyer aand tha court finally deduces that thay both are equally guilty, tha lawyer asks vikrant that hie may have been a man of influential means, but hie wont be able tu buy tha law, tha lawyer asks him if hie tuo was involved, as sarita iz about tu confess, vikrant takes all tha blame on himself, tha lawyer emphasizes that thay both are involved, aand should be given stern punizhment, tha judge pronounces tha verdict, but before hie can, a female voice calls out, for him tu stup, all are shocked, including raj aand hiz family, thay turn around tu find a dizhievelled kamla, proclaiming tu be tha murderer, while all are baffled aand shocked, tha lawyer asks hier tu come aand staand in tha victury staand, aand than say what shi wants tu, Kamla complies, aand after taking tha oath of truth, iz questioned by tha lawyer, about tha details of tha murder, kamla says that shi has tha evidence, raj gets furious as tu what hiz mothar iz uptu, Divya tells him that what shi’s saying iz tha truth, tha judge asks tham tu sit down, Kamla says that shi has tha evidence that would prove that shi iz tha culprit, aand vikrant aand sarita are innocent, shi demaands for punizhment for hierself aand aquittal for tham, shi breaks down on tha witness staand,

tha judge later pronounces that on tha basiz of kamla’s evidence, both sarita aand vikrant are inncoent aand are aquitted, hie also pronounces kamla tu be aquitted, as what shi did was in defence of hier daughter, as tha murder was plotted by kajal, aand shi tried tu just defend hier daughter, even though it led tu anothar murder, all are relieved aand happy,

Seene 3:

location: Jagotia’s residence

After a month, a graand celebration iz on, whierein divya iz greeting everyone, while shi aand granny dizcuss about shiela’s wedding weth rohan, raj tries tu flirt weth hier, but shi shoves hier away teasingly, granny teases raj on tha same, Raj finds vikrant tuo tensed, aand thay start arguing about who’s going tu give a better performance at tha Zee tv Rizhtey Awards,

Divya goes tu shiela’s room aand finds hier dressed as a bride, aand compliments hier profusely, shi teases shiela on rohan’s name, whiere munni tuo joins hier, Divya asks shiela if shi finally got what shi wanted, shiela asks for kamla, aand at that moment shi turns up, Shiela says that shi always wants tu be hier daughter, kamla jokes weth hier, abhi comes aand clicks a pic of shiela, aand goes on tu show rohan, Abhi shows rohan aand vaandana tha pic, aand all are happy, aand hie wonders how all of tham are so happy aand peaceful in such a short span of time, Vaandana gets emotional, while shiela comes aand wiping hier tears tells hier that shi wont let hier cry ever, Vaandana compliments hier, tha priest calls for tha couple, Vaandana takes tham thare, Divya enquires about sarita aand vikrant, aand raj says that thay must be around somewhiere,

In thair room, vikrant goes on tu romanticize sarita, as hie finds hier alone, hie asks hier not tu make him wait any longer, hie takes hier in hiz arms, aand puts hier on tha bed, sarita tells him that hie doersnt look nice romancing, like hie does in fighting, hie says that hier love made him like thiz, Sarita tries tu get up, but vikrant holds hier pallu, aand pulls hier tuwards him, causing a physical intimacy, hie pins hier under him, aand goes on tu shower innumerable kizses, as shi burns in tha fires of passion, As shi lays hier hiead on hiz shoulder, hie unthreads hier blouse, as shi lies melting in hiz arms, Finally, sarita aand vikrant consummate thair marriage, that was awaited for a long time, while rohan gets remarried tu shiela by custums aand traditions, tha screen freezes for tha final time on Sarita’s aand vikrant’s face,

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