Epizode starts weth Radha asking hier bhabhi were iz “kesar”, tu add in tha srikhaand sweet shi made, Bhabi seems jealous aand says, “you could have asked me before making na, Umang doesn’t like sweets,” Radha says shi will bring it back while umang stups hier,hie asks hier why shi iz taking it away,shi replies that bhabi said shi doesn’t like sweets, umang says if shi made it for him, than hie will definitely have it,, Bhabi comes out from tha Kitchien, aand shi iz angry, shi drops pickle ontu hier saree wantedly aand apologizes, Radha goes tu change hier saree,
Radha’s parents, Gopi aand Ahiem aand Kinjal, Urmi, Jitu Bhai arrive at Umang’s house aand are outside, Bhabi gets irritated aand asks Umang if hie started tu like sweets also, than shi also says tu have it from radha’s haands, shi mentions shi made hiz favorites tuday, Umang smiles aand tells hier tu feed, Urmila rings tha bell but tha door iz opened aand thay enter, Bhabi iz feeding umang but as usual tha whole team doesn’t see, Madhu calls out “jamaiji”, Bhabi aand Umang are shocked aand wonders why did thay come, Madhu says that thay don’t have any suspicions on Umang aand thay have come tu accept tha relation, Radha comes running aand hugs madhu aand says shi iz very happy seeing tham hiere, Jayanti bhai apologizes tu umang aand tells him tu forget everything!
Still coming,,tu be continued,,
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