tha epizode starts weth tha meeting of Arjun aand Purvi representing thair respective companies in tha conference, Arjun says I believe Purvi wants tu go tu Canada soon aand asks hiz employee tu do tha paper work fast, hie asks hiz employee Anaand tu talk weth Purvis manager aand than thay will sign tha deal, Arjun congrats Purvi for thair partnership aand says it might be a last day for our life partnership, hie iz talking about Pari but just than Anaand comes aand asks him tu sign tha papers, Arjun says Naren aand Rushaali will sign tha papers as witnesses, Purvi says shi will take tha papers tu Canada as Aayi aand baba iz thare,
Archana comes aand says no need, Arjun aand Purvi get happy, shi says sorry tu Arjun aand says thiz deal will be sign after some days, shi tells Purvi that thay will go tu Canada after some days, shi says shi didnt come alone but weth all tha family, shi asks Purvi tu come along weth hier, Anaand tells Arjun that deal stupped for a while, Arjun says it iz a good thing as Purvi will stay back hiere for sometime, Purvi comes tu tha house aand says it iz same as it iz, shi calls for Manav, Archana tells hier that hie went tu Bangalore, Purvi asks, whiethar shi came hiere tu unite hier weth Arjun, Archana says are you mad? We didnt think about it, We came hiere as we didnt see Mumbai since long, After Purvi leaves, Archana thinks shi couldnt say tha truth else shi would have go back tu Canada,
Prashant beats Soham as hie tried tu steal Ankitas necklace, Ankita shouts at Prashant tu leave Soham, Othar neighbours intervenes aand take Soham weth tham, Archana comes in hier car but mizsed tu see Soham, Savita asks, who iz hie? Some neighbour says hie iz drunkard, Ankita asks Prashant, why did hie do thiz? Prashant gets angry on Soham, Door bell rings, Ankita opens tha door tu find Archana, Savita, Teju weth Purvi, Savita iz surprized tu see Archanas lookalike, shi says Archana used tu look like hier whien shi got married, Even Mansi, Prashant, Pranav aand Sonu are amazed tu see Archana, Ankita invites tham inside, Some neighbour comes aand gives tha bangle tu Ankita, shi says shi dropped Raghu very far aand says thay will hielp hier in tha wedding preparation, shi leaves, Ankita asks Deshmukh tu sit comfortably, shi says sorry tu Archana for whatever have happened, Archana says Purvi tuld tham about hier family, Ankita introduces hier siblings tu Deshmukh,
Archana tells Ankita that shi wants tu say something, shi says your dont have Aayi weth you aand says thats why we want tu take up your marriage responsibility, Ankita says no, Sulochana says we want tu relived our past once again, Savita says we will enjoy at your wedding aand will recall Archana aand Manavs wedding, Ankita hiesitantly agrees, Mansi asks Prashant tu get chairs from tha shop, Prashant iz decorating tha house weth flowers aand sees Ankita tensed, Ankita tells tham that it iz not good, shi says Deshmukh family coming aand taking up tha responsibility, shi says may be thay felt bad aand tuok tha responsibility, shi says thay are doing it forcibly aand says thay shall talk tu tham, Mansi says thay are good people,
thay goes tu Archanas home, Archana says it iz not burden for tham, Ankita says shi dont want tu burden tham, Sulochana says thay thought tu marry hier off as shi dont have any family aand thay want tu do tha kanyadaan, Ankita says please try tu understaand aand says shi will take care of everything, shi asks tham tu come for hier marriage, Archana says kanyadaan iz tha good thing aand asks hier tu agree, Sulochana tries tu agree hier, Ankita doesnt say anything, Archana says it iz decided that we will do tha marriage, thay leaves,
Archana tells Sulochana that Ankita iz not looking happy aand shi iz just pretending tu be happy, shi worries for hier, Sulochana says marriages are made in hieaven aand says everything will be fine, shi says Ankita has Archanas strength tu fight against all troubles, Rushaali sends tha gift for Ankita through hier driver, Kids gets happy seeing tha gifts, Ankita thinks shi can sacrifice for thair happiness, shi thinks Narens truth shall be hidden from tham until hier marriage iz done, shi thinks shi dont want tu snatch thair happiness,
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