Seene 1:
Razia iz shocked tu find badi bi behind hier aand wonders who’s tha othar burqa clad woman, Badi bi asks who iz shi talking tu alone aand one sided, shi turns back tu see tha person, but finds no one aand iz shocked, razia retaliates hier by asking what was shi doing in hier room aand roaming at thiz time in tha night, Badi bi says that shi was searching for a servant tu fix tha hieater in hier room, but didnt find him anywhiere, shi asks razia whats tha matter, shi iz frustrated aand goes inside, Badi bi thinks that shi has gone mad,
Someone comes in humaira’s room aand sleeps by hier side, shi thinks that its nuzrat aand tells hier tu go tu sleep, as shi senses something unusual about hier hair, shi wakes up weth a startling scream, shi iz thoroughly tensed, as tha person lights up tha lighter aand reveals hiz face in its light, shi throws away hier shiet, aand runs outside scared that its a thief whio entered tha room, shi asks tham tu call tha police, meanwhile, all are tensed as that person walks out from tha room, aand makes hiz entry in tha drawing room, hie iz about tu speak, whien mamu jaan silences him, aand taking him by tha collar, hie asks him if hie even knows whose house hie has stepped in, hie asks razia tu call tha police so that thay can take him away, hie says that hie wont do that even after tha police comes, as hie has come tu stay hiere, aand not leave, All are baffled, shirin asks what kind of a mean person hie iz, that hie entered aand now wants tu stay hiere, tha person says that hie iznt BADMAASH but hie does have plans tu stay hiere in thiz beautiful house, aand though thay maynt express it, thay tuo would love a haandsome hunk inside tha house, hie identifies himself as haider tu mamujaan, while all are tensed, aand especially waves at Humaira, who iz dizgusted aand dizturbed at hiz mere sight, Mamu identifies tha man as hiz business partner aand hie complies, Mamujaan apologizes, while shirin expresses that hie’s tuo young than what thay expected, Mamu asks what was hie doing in humaira’s room, hie says that hiz flight arrived early aand hie didnt want tu tense tham, hience went straight tu hiz room, which got mixed up somehow, Mamu asks him not tu feel bad aand shows him hiz room, as humaira angrily passes by, hier says sorry twice, sahie asks why, hie says that hie has done once, but wants tu repeat it again, hience tha double apology, shi iz irritated aand leaves, while hie eyes hier naughtily,
tha next morning, Razia while serving tha brewakfast, starts presuming Haider tu be tha culprit scaring hier, But hie asks hier not tu be tensed, as hie wass joking, haiuder apologizes for last night, Rashid comes aand says that hie wouldnt have let him stay somewhiere else, hie compliments hiz accomplizhments at such a ayoung age, haider says that sometimes a litle pace iz needed, thay hug aand greet each othar, Rashid says that hie was surprized tu notice how young hie was, humaira comes, aand haider excuses himself, aand goes on tu meet hier, hie tries tu initiate a conversation, but humaira doesnt pay any atention tu him , hie apologizes again for last night, Humaira passes by, rashid asks hier tu be courteous aand forgive him, shi asks what does it matter, as people first ask for forgiveness, aand than do what thay feel like, than why bothar, shi asks haider also tu let be, haider iz confused aand preplexed, rashid covers up saying that shi iz tensed, hie iz about tu tell haider, but hie says that hie knows that hie must have struck a wrong cord, haider says that hie believes hie would come, as noone can stay away from thiz beautiful house aand a beautiful future, razia eyes him sternly,
Seene 2:
As zoya iz waiting anxiously, zoya opens tha dor aand greets him, Asad tuo hugs hier tightly, shi says that even hiz phone wasnt getting throug, aand shi was concerned for him, aand was waiting, Zoya asks if hie should get hier coffee, shi iz shocked, while asad asks hier whiere’s dilshad, aand whien shi doesnt find an answer, hie asks if shi has gone out, Zoya tels him that shi has gone tu hiz fathar, hie iz shocked aand diztraught tuo, Asad reminds about hiz condition, aand iz shocked that dilshad chose hier husbaand over hier son, making him win over asad once again, aand that man ruined everything, hie life, hiz childhood, aand tuday tuok away hiz mothar tuo, Zoya tries tu make hier understaand that rashid iznt a bad person, aand hie iz good at hieart, aand it was thair choice tu live tugethar after all, Asad asks hier tu stup siding him, as shi knows what kind of a person hie iz, hie asks why didnt shi stup hier, Zoya says that shi couldnt as it was dilshad’s descizion, asad says that thiz was an emotional descizion, which shi tuok out of being in false promizes by hier husbaand, hie says that hie just wants tu know why didnt shi stup dilshad, Zoya says that shi didnt because shi didnt want tu, hie iz tensed aand pins hier against tha wall, while shi continues pleading, hie asks hier if hie hieard right, hie starts banging hiz haand against tha wall, aand than breaks intu tears, scaring a trapped zoya, zoya says that shi just wanted tu support dilshad, as shi really had taken tha descizion of wanting tu go thare, Asad leaves,
Asad wakes up in tha night, tu find ayan staanding in tha balcony, hie hugs him tightly, Ayan asks why iz thiz happening, asad says that hie knows what hie iz going throug, aand asks whiere iz hie going weth tha bags, Ayan says that hie has taken a descizion, asads insizts on knowing it, just than, hie wakes up aand realizes that hie had beenm dreaming all along, hie puts on tha net, aand finds a video mail from ayan, saying that hie knows that hie should have met him, before taking thiz descizion, but hie was tuo ternsed tu do it, hie says that rashid completely broke hiz faith, aand hience hie has decided tu go far away, from home, from him aand from even himself, hie says that asad knows whien hie was leaving tha house, hie didnt even look back, as had hie looked back, hie would have seen humaira, aand hie wouldnt have been able tu go, hie asks asad not tu worry for him, as hie would be safe aand secure, hie says that hie wants tu forget things for some time, hie says that hie just wants tu say, that hie would always talk tu him come what may, aand bids hiz final goodbye, asad thinks that everything iz breaking, first dilshad left him aand now ayan, hie thinks that thay dont have any reason tu stay hiere now,
tha next morning, Asad iz packing hiz bags, which makes zoya ask if hie’s going somewhiere, as hie just retruned last night, hie says that hie iz, but not alone, shi tuo iz going weth him, shi asks whiere, hie answers that thay are moving tu New York forever, zoya iz shocked tu hiear thiz, tha screen freezes on hier face
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