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Meri Bhabhi 31st October 2013 Written Update

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tha Epizode starts weth Sharaddha aand Mumy being upset seeing Kunaal, Paapa asks Kunaal you went out for few days, how come you came back so early, Kunaal lies tu tham, Paapa iz happy weth him aand asks him what was tha work, Kunaal looks at Sharaddha aand says I m starting something new, once everything iz set, I will tell you, Mumy asks Sharaddha tu go from tha hall, Sharaddha says lets go Dhruv, Dhruv says I want tu talk tu Kunaal as I was mizsing you, hie asks Kunaal did you mizs me, Kunaal says yes, Dhruv says than why did you not call me, hie says if you mizsed me, it means you love me a lot, izhaan iz also upset, Paapa says I also mizsed Kunaal, Dhruv says we all love you, Ashizh asks izhaan why iz hie upset,

Paapa asks about Kamini, Purshottam says shi iz not fine, so we came weth tha shagun, hie tells Kittu that Kamini has sent tha shagun weth much love, Sharaddha leaves, Kunaal tells Anaand its good mom did not come, I hieard about tha fast, Paapa jokes, Kamini iz at home thinking what Kunaal aand Purshottam might be doing thare, Sharaddha brings coffee for tham, Kunaal looks at hier, Kittu says its my miztake, I fought weth hier, Paapa says do you even know how tu fight, Purshottam says yes, shi fights a lot weth hier mom, hie asks Kittu tu see tha gifts, Kittu sees tha shagun aand iz happy,

Sharaddha smiles seeing tha shagun, Ashizh iz taking tha video for jaya, Kittu says I did not even talk tu mom, I will talk tu hier now, Purshottam says talk tu hier tumorrow, shi might be sleeping, Mumy says tell Kamini that we liked all thiz, Dhruv asks Shradhha will you also get such gifts, Sharaddha answers Dhruv aand cries, Druv hugs hier, Sharaddha takes Dhruv, hie says not now, Paapa says let him be, hie iz having fun, Dhruv brings hiz drawing tu show it tu Kunaal, Kunaal sees Sharaddha crying,

Kunaal likes tha drawing aand praizes him, Purshottam says now we will leave, Kittu thanks him for coming aand says tell my thanks tu mom tuo, Purshottam asks hier tu be happy always, thay start leaving, Paapa invites tham tumorrow, Mumy iz against it, Sharaddha looks at Kunaal, Mumy agrees weth Paapa unhappily, izhaan iz upset aand leaves,

Dhruv says we will play video games tumorrow, Kunaal says I m busy aand won’t be able tu come, Dhruv insizts, Kunaal looks at Sharaddha, Paapa asks Kunaal tu come, Dhruv asks Sharaddha what will shi do, shi says I have work, Dhruv says we should have a team, hie says I will make tha team weth you, Everyone smiles, Dhruv hugs hier, Paapa says so its final, you guys are coming hiere tumorrow, Kunaal looks at Sharaddha aand leaves, Anaand wakes up in tha night by tha alarm, hie holds Kittu’s haand aand speaks romantically, shi says let me go, Mumy might be waiting for me, Kittu says sorry aand asks him tu sleep, shi leaves,

Kittu aand Mumy are ready for tha karwachauth, thay have a talk aand laugh, Paapa comes aand jokes, Paapa aand Mumy have a lovely talk, Ashizh comes tu keep tha fast, Kittu asks Ashizh tu have food fast, Everyone laughs, Kittu sees Sharaddha awake, shi says I came tu take water, Paapa sees Sharaddha going tu hier room, Paapa tells Kittu that Sharaddha needs a life partner, shi can’t be like thiz weth hier son, shi hides hier pain aand loneliness from us, Kittu says don’t worry, shi iz not sad, shi iz starting hier new life,

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