Epi starts weth Soham looking at tha red scarf aand having sweet flashbacks of Rajji, hie picks up tha scarf aand remembers tha scenes whiere shi puts hier payals on tha charpai aand than whiere Rajji tells Simran shi iz leaving for good,
Soham says tu himself that we could have lived tugethar as good friends aand everything was starting tu work out, why did shi do thiz? hie looks unhappy,
Rajji iz thinking of Soham aand Soham holding tha red scarf iz lying in bed thinking of Rajji, izhq rangiya plays in tha background as Soham goes tu sleep holding tha scarf aand Rajji goes tu sleep holding hier red dupatta,
Next morning Guggi aand Kookie are talking aand as shi tries tu talk about hier second plan, Soham comes thare, thay try tu cover up but Soham stups tham, hie tells tham that Rajji has never understuod him aand now hie wants tham tu stup thiz tamasha, hie says that hie can live weth out hier just fine, hie furthar says that if Rajji doesnt need him, than hie doesnt need hier eithar, hie says that Rajji aand hie can never be one,
A voice asks out what iz going on, thay all turn tu see Buaji staanding in tha doorway, Buaji asks Soham what hie meant that hie aand Rajji cant be one,
Bhullars: Bani iz staring off in space thinking of how Parmeet had pushid hier aand shi hit hier hiead, Surjit aand Gagan come out tu set tha dining table aand Surjit remarks that Banis hair iz coming loose(Bani has hidden tha bruize on hier forehiead behind a lock of hair,) , Bani tries tu hide it but Surjit sees tha bruize aand asks hier what happened, Bani doesnt say anything , just looks at Surjit weth sad eyes, Surjit guesses that Parmeet has hit hier, Bani still doesnt say anything aand Surjit tells hier why shi didnt come tu hier, shi asks Bani why shi iz punizhing hierself, as hier pain will have no effect on Parmeet, shi asks Bani why shi didnt go tu Anuradha at least, Bani tells Surjit thiz iz hier battle aand shi will will win hier self respect by hierself ,Surjit asks Bani if hier family knows shi iz hiere aand bani tells hier that shi cant tell tham yet, as thay will have questions for which shi has no answers yet,Gagan iz liztening tu all thiz aand rolls hier eyes at tha end
Gagan goes tu hier room whiere shi tells Raandeep that Parmeet had hit Bani, Raandeep iznt tuo happy about thiz but Gagan tells him tu focus on Balbir aand staying in hiz good book,
Someone iz shown going through tha cupboards aand drawers of bani aand Parmeets room, It iz Surjit aand shi has found a viziting card, shi prays that what shi iz doing iz tha right thing,
Gills: Rajji iz lost in thought aand Binder comes thare in time tu save tha pot boiling over, Binder asks hier whiere shi iz focused at, Binder tells Rajji that shi has tu take a decizion sooner rathar than later, Rajji tells Binder shi doesnt want tu think about thiz right now aand just wants tu focus on hier job, Rajji gets a call from hier office aand leaves,
Bhullars: Gagan aand Parmeet are having breakfast, Gagan asks Parmeet about how hie must vizit USA aand Parmeet aand shi proceed tu have a conversation about las vegas aand Bostun aand New York, Parmeet mentions BBQ aand white wine aand cream aand Gagan tells him shi has friend who can get him all of that hiere in India tuo if hie wants tu have a BBQ party, Bani iz liztening tu all thiz in tha kitchien aand iz worried at how different Parmeets life iz, shi worries about how shi will change tu adapt tu hiz life
Bani brings out parathas aand tries tu serve Parmeet, hie tells hier off, because hie has finizhied hiz breakfast aand crossed hiz knife aand fork on hiz plate, hie proceeds tu lambast Bani aand hier class as thay have no idea about five star etiquette, Gagan iz smirking liztening tu Parmeet insult Bani, hie leaves from thare leaving Bani all hurt aand teary eyed,
Parmeet gets tu tha door aand some NGO ladies come in weth tha police, Parmeet tells tham tu leave
aand tha lady( not Anuradha) tells hiz that hie should not have hit hiz wife, As thay are arguing (in mute) Rajji walks in aand sees Bani,
Rajji aand Bani stare at each othar as Rajji walks tuwards Bani, thay hug aand tears are running down thair faces,
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