tha Epizode starts weth Kusum getting mad thinking about Saras, shi writes Sarass name all over tha wedding card over Mohans name, shi hiears someone coming aand tears tha card, Pramad comes tu hier aand shi hides tha pieces of tha card, hie says you hiere, everyone are waiting for your haldi, Saras comes tu Kumud weth a gift for hier, shi says I m hungry, hie says even me, Pramad explains Kumud tu think over again aand if shi has any doubt than dont marry, Kusum says what do you mean, hie says whien relations break, it pains a lot, look at me aand Kumud, We got married, but shi still loves Saras, Kusum takes Kumuds side aand says Kumud married you tu keep up tha marriage but you made hier lose, hie says even I could not win, so dont play games weth life whiere everyone has tu lose, think again as life iz valuable aand we get it only once, Kusum says lets go, everyone are waiting,
Saras opens tha gift aand tuuchies tha clothas which hie brought for hier, Saras says sorry Kumud, I know our relation iz unbreakable but dont know why I got so much angry on Pramad, Kumud smiles aand hie gives hier tha gift shi accepts it, shi says its difficult for me as it iz for you, dont be annoyed weth me, what will I do, support me, dont go away from me, hie says Kumud, I m always weth you, Guniyal iz worried about Kusum, Kusum runs in tha corridor crying, Danny sees hier aand goes after hier, hie asks hier why are you crying, shi says I dont want tu marry, I dont know what tu do, Danny says stup crying first, hie says are you sure about thiz, shi says yes, you were right, Danny mizunderstaands aand says dont worry, I will talk tu Saras aand you talk tu Kumud, everything will be fine, I wanted tu know whats in your hieart, now I will take care of everything, hie asks hier tu smile aand shi smiles,
Guniyal comes tu Kusum aand asks hier tu get ready aand come as everyone are waiting, Kumud comes weth Saras aand says I got a new saree, I will wear thiz in Kusums wedding, Kumari likes it, shi takes it from Kumud aand runs, Kumud says I wont give you thiz, Kumud asks Kalika whiere are you going aand what are you hiding, Kalika says nothing, Kumud asks Kalika not tu go near Pramad aand scolds hier for taking wine for him, Kalika says I cant think of bringing wine in thiz house, Pramad comes thare aand takes tha parcel from Kalikas haand,
Kumud taunts him saying I cant trust you, hie gives hier a green saree as a gift, Pramad says its for you Kumud, hie says its from my first hard earned salary, hie says I wanted tu bring gifts for everyone but did not had much money, hie says thiz iz last gift, I asked Kalika tu bring a good saree for you, hie coughs aand Kumud takes tha saree from him, Saras looks at Kumud holding both tha sarees, Kalika apologizes aand Yash takes hier side, Kalika says Pramad did a lot tu you but now you cant refuse tu him, Vidyachatur asks everyone tu go tu thair rooms, Danny tells Saras that I need tu talk something important about my life,
Saras talks tu Danny about Kusum, Danny says tuday Kusum also tuld me that shi dont want tu marry Mohan, Danny says Kusum iz weth me tuday, hie says I love you a lot, please hielp me, Kusum talks tu Kumud aand asks Kumud tu promize that shi will support hier, Kumud says yes, I will, tell me whats tha matter, Kusum says I dont want tu marry Mohan, Kumud iz shocked, Kumud says what but why, Danny says I dont know whien I fell in love weth Kusum, aand even Kusum iz , Saras says you tell me what tu do now, Kusum tells Kumud that shi loves someone else, shi says I tried tu keep it tu myself but I cant, I cant marry anyone else, Kumud asks who iz hie, whom do you love, Kusum says no, I dont want tu marry Mohan, Kumud says its not a crime tu love anyone, tell me who iz hie, Guniyal comes thare aand stups Kusum from uttering anothar work, Guniyal says Kusum, come weth me, Kumud says we are talking something important,
Guniyal says everyone are waiting aand takes Kusum, Kumud says how could I not know about Kusum loving someone, Saras talks tu Danny aand says look, think aand tell me, Do you really love Kusum, Danny says I m sure about hier, Saras says how can I tell thiz tu tham, look Danny, it would have been a good news if you tuld thiz earlier, Kalika comes aand says I was looking out for both of you, it looks like you were talking something important, shi says I came tu call both of you, Saras says we know whien tu come thare, you dont need tu come hiere, Kalika says Danny, you come soon, you know Kusum needs you, shi smiles aand leaves, Saras says shi also knows thiz, Danny says yes shi knows, Saras says whats all thiz, hie says if Kusum does not want tu marry Mohan, than shi wont, you dont worry,
Kusum sits for tha haldi ceremony aand everyone looks at hier, Guniyal expects Kusum tu be patient, Saras aand Kumud talks aand Saras says Kusum loves Danny, Kumud iz shocked, Kumud goes tu apply haldi tu Kusum, Pannaben asks Kumud tu apply haldi weth Pramad, as its good,
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