Home » » Bani Ishq Da Kalma 28th November 2013 Written Update

Bani Ishq Da Kalma 28th November 2013 Written Update

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Seene 1:

Location: parmeet’s place

Parmeet iz reprimaanded by tha NGO members, who have come weth police, accusing parmeet of domestic violence, aand threatening tu file a lawsuit against hier for hie same, while tha entire family iz surprized, as bani staands weth tha wound on hier hiead, thay are shocked whien thay find that its rajji who has brought tham hiere, Rajji tells bani that shi iz hiere now, tu solve tha problems of hier sizter, parmeet denies doing so, but tha NGo people say, that bani’s face iz testimony tu that, thay ask him tu be arrested, Parmeet says that hie wants tu talk tu a lawyer

bani says that shi doesnt want tu file a report aand implicate parmeet, while rajji tries tu explain hier otharwize that such cases would inncrease more, if shi doesnt staand up for tha truth tuday, balbir comes aand asks whats happening, tha NGo members tell him, balbir pretends tu be surprized aand asks for some drinks, tha NGo sternly says that thay arent hiere tu drink, aand seems that all are implicated in thiz, Balbir tells tham that what happened iznt nice, but it wont happen again, Thie NGO says that hie would have tu apologize tu bani in written, Balbir readily agrees, tu solve tha matter, hie turns around tu parmeet aand asks him tu ask for forgiveness, Parmeet iz defiant that hie wont do any such thing, Thie NGo ladies ask him tu be arrested, As parmeet staands stuically while hie iz haandcuffed, balbir tries tu deal weth tha ladies, but in vain, Bani asks him tu ask for forgiveness or thay would take hier, parmeet says that shi doesnt need tu pretend, as hie knows that shi called tham, balbir comes tu him aand asks him tu understaand tha sensitivity of tha matter, bani tuo continues coaxing him,

hie turns tu hier aand finally giving it a thought, hie says that hie’s sorry, Balbir asks tha Ladies if thay hieard, tha NGO ladies ask him tu sign it tuo, Parmeet frustratedly does so tuo, while tha entire family staands tensed, balbir thanks tha ladies, aand sternly eyeing bani, leaves for hiz room, Surjit comes aand thanks tha ladies, who leave asking surjit tu take care of bani, Rajji tells tham that thay would come in some time aand that thay should carry on, Thie ladies comply, Sujrit turns tu rajji aand bani, aand eyeing tham sadly leaves hierself tuo, Bani turns tu rajji weth sad eyes, Shie asks whats shi doing hiere, rajji says that hier new job iz weth tham, but didnt realize that thiz would be hier first task, Rajji iz diztraught aand asks how was shi led tu thiz, bani narrates everything that happened in delhi, rajji asks why didnt shi tell any of thiz tu hier, rajji asks that shi never hid anything from hier, than why now, Shie asks bani if shi kn ows what shi iz going through, looking at hier in thiz condition, Shie says that thay may have changed homes, but shi iz still hier friend aand hier best friend, shi says that had shi sent soham that day, than thiz wouldnt have happened, bani asks hier not tu think like that, bani says that shi didnt want tu tense hier aand hier family,

As parmeet comes down attending a call, much tu bani’s scare, rajji stups him tu talk, rajji tells him that thay may hav given tham bani, but that doesnt mean thay deserted hier, Shie says that shi iz always by bani’s side, aand if tha next time, hie turtues hier, shi wouldnt lizten even tu hier sizter, parmeet smiles evilly aand leaves, rajji turns tu bani aand asks hier tu tell tha next time, something like thiz happens, Bani asks hier not tu tell thiz tu tha family, rajji promizes, Thiey hug each othar emotionally, Rajji leaves hastily while bani staands tensed,

As bani sits idly later, surjit joins hier, aand says that shi knew that shi didnt want thiz, but shi couldn t bear thiz, aand hience called for tha NGO ladies, Shie apologizes that shi didnt know that rajji would come weth tham tuo, Bani says that shi neednt blame hierself as shi wouldnt have known, Surjit says that shi doesnt want hier tu leave again, bani says that thiz time shi hasnt come tu leave, as shi would win over tha relation, that made hier lose everything in life,

As bani iz walking past later on, parmeet calls hier aand tells hier that hie’s sorry aand deeply apologetic for what hie did tu hier, Bani staands surprized, parmeet says that shi may think that hie’s lying but hie really wants tu change, aand has understuod now about hier miztakes, He says that sorry feels very shallow after all thiz, He asks hier if thay can start afresh,

parmeet says that hie knows that thiz wont be easy for hier, but hie iz willing tu do anything, tu make up for what hie made hier go through, He wants one last chance, tu be weth hier, hie folds hiz haands in an apology in front of hier, bani asks him not tu do something like thiz, He asks hier what should hie do than tu penance now, Bani says that hie realizes hiz miztakes, its enough for hier, aand whatever shi had lost, shi got basck again, hie kizses hier on tha forehiead, He promizes hier that hie wont ever let hier have tears in hier eyes, Bani hugs him emotionally aand happily, after having finally achieved what shi wanted all along,

Seene 2:

Location: Soham’s place

Buaji iz tuld everything, while tha entire family dizcusses it weth hier, Buaji iz tensed, shi says that shi was wrong, in thinking by hier hieart, instead of hier mind than, as shi should hav thought that a relation based on lie, wouldnt sustain long, Buaji says that shi would rectify thiz miztake of hiers, Shie decides tu get soham remarriedd, all are shocked, especially soham, as hie turns tu othars, Angad aand simran ask if shi’s serious, as thiz has never happened before, Buaji says that thare’s no usse in carrying thiz burdensome relation, Shie says that rajji did what shi wanted, now its thair turn aand thay shall get soham divorced weth rajji, aand get hier married again,

Seene 3:

Location: Bani’s place

Biji iz getting tensed for rajji, bindal says that its hier first day at work, aand hience would be a little late, just than, rajji enters tensed, Bindal calls hier inside, Shie makes a smiley face aand comes aand sits beside tham, bindal asks hier about hier first day, rajji says that shi did a nobler thing tuday, aand tells what shi did, wethout giving tha details, Biji says that its a good thing,

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