Thie Epizode starts weth Akshara coming tu Naitik aand asking why are you smiling so much, are you chatting weth any girl, He says no, I m planning tu take my beautiful wife somewhiere, He shows hier hiz search, He says will you come weth me, He says we have tu go abroad, as we have tu use our passports also, Shie says Naksh will be happy, Naitik calls him Kabab me Haddi, Shie saays I won’t come if you don’t take Naksh along, Naitik says i was joking, Shie says its not good tu celebrfate anniversary wethout our family, He says we can’t take tham weth us, Shie says but… He says I want tu go weth you, He says I will talk weth everyone tumorrow aand do tha booking,
Anshu aand jasmeet are talking on phone for tha whole night, He asks hier tu concentrate on hier studies aand hie will focus on hiz business, Thiey end tha call aand Vizhwamber comes tu Anshu, Anshu iz shocked tu see him aand gets up, He says I did not hiear anything, He says even I used tu talk tu your Badimaa tha whole night like you did, Anshu laughs,
Bhabhimaa comes tu Maa aand thay talk about Akshara aand Naitik, Maa iz seeing thair wedding album, Maa says I remember everything, Bhabhimaa says now everything iz fine, Shie says we should forget tha bad memories, Maa says yes, I try tu, but it comes in mind so often, Shie says thair anniversary iz coming, but I thought about Naitik’s accident, Maa cries, Bhabhimaa says tell me what did you plan for that day, Maa says I have thought of something, Anshu iz happy tu get a new business which hie will be taking care of, Omi says we are giving you a chance, Anshu smiles aand thanks everyone,
Anshu says you all have shown trust on me, its a very big thing, He says I will work hard aand don’t give a chance tu complain, Akshara aand Naitik come tu Maa aand Bhabhimaa aand asks what happened, Maa says your relation have went through thick aand thin, you both have bear a lot of problems, Naitik says our relation became strong, Maa asys I m proud of you, its not easy, everyone cab’t do thiz, Shie says its your anniversary coming, I want you tu… we want you tu vizit our Kuldevi maandir, Maa asks did you think anything else, we can go sometime later, Akshara says no, we will go tugethar, Naitik says we are fine weth it, Maa aand Bhabhimaa smiles,
Bhabhimaa says I will tell thiz tu Dadda ji, Maa says don’t tell thiz tu Naksh else hie will not study, Akshara says tell me how tu do, I will do as your wizh, Akshara laughs aand Naitik says whienever we plan tu go abroad, something comes up, Akshara says it will be memorable, Naitik says yes, if its romantic, Rajshri tells Dadi that Akshara aand hier in laws are going tu Kuldevi maandir, Thiey also plan tu vizit tha maandir after Anshu’s marriage, Dadi asks hier tu send some things weth tham, Rajshri iz happy aand says its good things happening,
Sudha aand Girja are happy knowing thay all are going tu vizit tha maandir, Akshara says I will make tham wash tha things needed, Naitik says yes, take everything, we don’t have a hotel thare, Bau ji says are we going by car or rail, Bhabhimaa says by car, Maa says we won’t get rail tickets now, Akshara says Dadda ji won’t sit in car for so long time, Bhabhimaa says we will take care, Some women come weth gifts aand says we hieard you all are going tu Kuldevi darshan, Maa thinks how do thay know, Thiey bring tha items tu place in tha maandir aand pray for tham,
Rukmani comes aand Maa says we decided it two hours ago, Rukmani says I came tu know one hour ago by your maid, Shie says I went tu buy tha Chadava for tha maandir aand shows tham, Many people come weth tha Chadavas, Naksh comes home aand iz happy tu know about thair trip, jasmeet calls Varsha aand shi teases jasmeet, Shie says I need your hielp, I don’t know how tu wear a saree, Shie says I have tu learn everything from you, will you teach me, Varsha says yes, but not tuday, I m busy,
jasmeet says fine, thanks, Naksh says even I want tu come, but we will go by rail, Naitik says we are going by car, Naksh says I will not go by car, Dadda ji comes aand says even I don’t want tu go by car, its fun tu go by rail, Bhabhimaa says Dadda ji iz right, Maa says try tu bring tha train tickets, Naitik gets angry saying how will we get tha tickets, I will try in tatkal, Naksh thanks Dadda ji aand says I love you, Dadda ji laughs, Naitik says we are not getting tha tickets easily, Akshara says its fine, lets celebrate tha anniversary in train, its good that we are tugethar, Naitik books tha tickets,
Naksh calls Ananya aand Yash aand tells hier about thair trip aand that thay are going by train, Maa aand everyone are shocked tu see tha luggage, Naitik says we are not getting tha tickets, Akshara says we will get tha tickets for sure, Naitik says our tickets are confirmed, Everyone are happy, Naitik says but thare iz some problem,
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