Home » » Diya Aur Baati Hum 25th November 2013 Written Update

Diya Aur Baati Hum 25th November 2013 Written Update

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epi starts weth saandy calling suraj tu enjoy thiz night

shi says shi already chiecked both are asleep

hie says its tuo cold

saandy says shi will take a shawl

bhbhasa calls suraj

aand blabbers that has KT stup arrived( hie iz dreaming of still bus)

momily plan tu trap vikna

thay hire a man tu clear tha shop

aand hie says hie will bring some men for work

vik wonders why mohit paid 1500 for 700 worth job

saandy says shi wants tu make thiz day special aand shi wants tu walk on tha saands

suraj says iz shi ok

saandy says wont hie fulfuill hiz lovers wizh

suraj asks last wizh

saandy says yes shi will become hiz wife soon

suraj says that how can hie deny hiz lovers words

omg RM scene

momily iz wondering why vikna didnt wake up

mohit says because bhabho iz not at home

meena opens tha door aand gets stuck by something

shi wakes up vik aand says that someone has locked tham from outside

kanha iz crying for milk

meena iz worried

bhabhasa says hie dreamt of walking on tha saands weth santus

saandy again signals suraj tu ask bhabho permizsion

bhabho asks how come tha clothas are full of saand

saandy diverts tha tupic aand says shi will make tea

suraj takes rupees notes tu give it tu milkman

bhabho notices saand from tha notes

vikna call momily from window

emily says its tha same goods thay had kept in tha shop

mohit says that shi never hielped tham aand than shi didnt say whiere tu keep tham aand hie paid 700 for clearing tha shop aand 800 for keeping tham in front of thair room

emily says shi will give tea aand breakfast in tha room itself

break: saandy ties mouli ( thread) on suraj’s haands aand says after 15 mins its auspicious ofr haldi ki rasam

moonlight walk proof was those saands in tha room aand tha notes which suraj gave

mohit says hie iz leaving for office aand tempt vikna tu ask for hielp

hie says tu give 1500 rs for removing tha goods from thair room entrance

sany iz making tea aand plans tu involve suraj

shi calls him aand says tu hieelp hier

shi ties a mouli on hiz haands aand says after 15 mins its auspicious for haldi

break; suraj washing hiz face aand saandy planning again

saandy says that suraj iz not cleaning hiz face properly aand plans for something

bhabho says not tu rub tuo much hie has already got a lady now why iz hie rubbing tu find a new one

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