tha epizode starts weth Advait getting consciousness aand hie says sorry tu Saanchi, Sunil asks him tu rest aand says hie will take care of money, Saanchi says thay don’t have monetary problem, Sunil says hie iz part of family aand can take hiz hielp, Dhruv asks him tu relax aand says Saanchi ji will manage, Dhruv tells Advait tu get well soon, Nani praizes Dhruv aand Saanchi aand says you both have haandled tha situation well, Pradeep comes aand asks Advait about tha accident, Advait says it happened so fast that hie couldn’t remember anything, Pradeep says hie would have come early but, Saanchi says it iz ok, Nani asks Dhruv aand Saanchi tu go aand rest, Saanchi says shi won’t go until hie iz fine, Prachi, nani aand Pradeep insizts aand thay agrees,
Saanchi aand Dhruv come home aand Saanchi says shi iz relieved as Advait iz fine, shi hopes for hiz recovery, Dhruv says hie likes hier company, Saanchi says I will make tea, Dhruv holds hier haand aand says you are caring like a wife, hie says I am also a good boyfriend aand says hie will make tea, Saanchi says shi will get coffee, Dhruv says you also didn’t sleep aand says hie will make tea for hier, Saanchi says shi will make coffee, Dhruv asks hier not tu spoil him else shi have tu do hiz work, Dhruv gets romantic as hie talks about thair future kids, hie says our daughters chini, mini will be like thair mom, Saanchi says Shauraya, our son will be like me, Dhruv says three kids? Saanchi says no, four aand says first kid iz himself, Dhruv gets closer aand says if you do work than whien will our kids come, Saanchi asks him tu leave hier, Dhruv says you are blushing, thay looks at each othar, Ulka kaki comes aand sees tham tugethar,
Ulka kaki asks, what iz going on? shi taunts hier aand says you looks innocent but your work iz bad, Dhruv tries tu say but Ulka kaki cuts him saying shi knows hiz type of guys, shi asks, will you take advantage of our Saanchi, Saanchi says you are mizunderstaanding, Ulka kaki taunts Saanchi aand says some bad words, shi says you have stuop so low, You said no tu good guys aand eyes him, shi says shi will tell Aaji aand Nani, Saanchi says thay will tell hier, Ulka kaki says you have done a chieap thing, Nobody can break tha nature’s rule, girl should be less in age than guy, Ulka kaki says shi will throw Dhruv out, Saanchi urges hier not tu tell anything tu Aaji aand Nani aand says shi will tell hierself, shi cries throughout, Prachi calls Saanchi aand says Advait got dizcharged from tha hospital aand thay are coming home, Saanchi requests dhruv tu go home as of now as shi don’t want any scene tu happen, Dhruv agrees, Ulka gives 24 hours tu Saanchi aand asks hier tu tell everything tu Nani aand Aaji,
Goel calls Pradeep, Pradeep says hie couldn’t reach as Saanchi’s brothar had an accident, Goel asks him not tu waste hiz time aand says hie iz not very much interested in thair laand, Pradeep says hie will give tha papers tu Saanchi, Advait comes back home from tha hospital, Aaji aand Nani thanks God, Advait asks about Dhruv, Nani wonders whiere iz hie? Ulka gets angry aand says hie izn’t a family member, Let Advait take rest, Ulka taunts Saanchi indirectly, Prachi says shi will leave now, Nani asks hier tu call tham after reaching home, Ulka asks whiethar shi shall go or stay back, Nani asks hier tu go, Ulka tells Saanchi tu talk in 24 hours or else shi will tell tham, Saanchi iz tensed, Dhruv calls Saanchi but shi dizconnects tha call, shi cries, Dhruv gets worried,
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