Home » » Bani Ishq Da Kalma 25th November 2013 Written Update

Bani Ishq Da Kalma 25th November 2013 Written Update

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Seene 1:

Ranvir iz tensed tu see that ferocity in hier eyes, instead of scare, Bani asks him tu step aside so that hie can work, Ranvir retreats, Bani thinks that anu was right, aand that shi wont bear any turture of tha house aand its men,

Balbir iz instructed by dadaji, tu act wizely as hie’s tha man of thiz house, aand would have tu take care of everything now, hie says that hie would have thrown bani out, but due tu tha NGO ladies, hie was forced tu take bani inside, aand are also keeping a close watch on hier, hience thay have tu tread very cautiously as if thay turture bani, thair respect aand fame would be at stake, hie asks balbir tu be silent till everything quietens down, balbir liztens tensedly, Dadaji says that whien tha right time comes, dadaji himself would shoe tha way tu outside tha haveli, Balbir apologizes aand says that hie has understuod aand would do exactly everything hie says, dadaji tells him that hie’s leaving tha tuwn for some days, aand has asked hiz laywres tu prepare tha will papers anew, nd whien thay are ready hie would sign tham, hie tells balbir that everything iz in hs name, Balbir pretends tu be emotional, aand says that hie doesnt want anything, just tu be near hiz family, thay hug, while balbir smiles evilly, Dadaji leaves, Balbir eyes tha chiessboard, aand taking tha king, aand than othars tuo, in a jerk, hie unsettles all othars aand throws tham on tha ground, happy at hs victury,

Oblivious tu thiz planning, bani iz performing hier duties aand doing tha puja, whien shi sees surjit aand asks hier tu come inside, Seeing hier tensed, bani asks whats tha matter, Surjit says that destiny might or mightnt change, time does change, shi says that destiny iznt decided for hier, but time has changed for hier aand bani’s now at a better position, Surjit wonders how would shi face parmeet aand balbir’s wrathy, bani says that shi has full faith on hierself, that last time shi may have left meekly, but thiz time, shi would win over tham, surjit asks how sh managed tu be so strong swilled, Bani shows hier tha locket of thair lord, aand says that hie’s responsible for thiz change,

As all sit at tha breakfast table, aand parmeet iz busy on tha call, bani serves everyone prashad, But parmeet ruely throws away tha plate asking hier tu neevr put anything in hier plate wethout permizsion, tha entire prashad falls on tha ground, hie asks hier not tu do thiz drama as hie wants tu get rid of hier, aand be tired of hier onec aand for all, as hie leaves, bani iz sad, gagan meanwhile iz happy, Bani picks up tha thrown prashad, weth teasy eyes, while all watch, bani iz diztraught, bani comes inside hier room, aand iz diztraught at hier recent events, shi remembers anu’s words, aand ass hierself not tu lose hope, aand not cry at all, shi decides tu call up at home, as everyone must be awaiting hier call, But than, shi thinks tht shi cant call from hiere, as shi’s in Canadan for tham, aand if shi goes alone, than thare would be a thousaand questions, shi says that shi would go weth parmeet, aand make him fulfill all false promizes that hie did,

Seene 2:

While soham tries tu talk, rajji says that shi’s hiere just for tha service at tha gurudwara, aand would leave soon, Kuki pretends that thiz iz a ahppy coincidence tu bump intu hier, rajji tells kuki that shi had tuld that shi’s coming hiere, But kuki diverts tha tupic, aand asks rajji tu come along for tha darshan tugethar, rajji says that shi has done hier service aand would leave soon,

While rajji iz almost done weth hier work, kuki aand gugi wonder whiere’s soham, thay decide tu keep rajji busy, while hie leaves tu find soham, Rajjji iz about tu go, while kuki engages hier in mindless banter, As rajji begins tu go, shi iz called by someone, Kuki tuo joins in aand thay start chatting aand catching up on old times, aftre tha formal introductions, tha lady tells rajji that shi has an important work for hier, shi asks rajji whiere’s soham, rajji iz tensed, tha lady howevere eyes gugi aand soham talking at a diztance aand hollers at tham, shi enquires about angad aand simran, Soham makes an excuse, tha Lady leaves, Kuki aand guggi leave tu take tha prashad, while soham aand rajji awkwardly face each othar, hie iz about tu talk, but shi turns away from him aand starts walking, Soham iz surprized aand tensed,

Seene 3:

While all wait for bani’s phone call at gurupurab, desho suggests that thay can call up parmeet’s place aand after wizhing tham, thay can ask for parmeet’s number tuo, Bindal asks if thay wouldnt get tha wrong impression, Nirvel asks tham not tu worry aand take intu account tha time gap, Seeing rajji coming, thay ask whats tha matter, as shi seems sad, But rajji says that shi iznt sad, but iz thinking of tha work that shi has got, All are excited aand ask what work has shi got, Rajji iz tensed,

Rajji starts serving everyone food, tha men eye hier tensedly, thay ask rajji about hier new job, shi tells how tha neighbour lady laanded hier tha job, aand how relieveing aand reassuring that iz, hie says that now that shi’s on hier feet, thay want hier tu be rid of hier past problems, Rajji doesnt understaand, rajji iz shocked whien shi hiears tha men telling hier that thay went tu meet tha lawyers in relation tu hier aand sohm’s divorce, All are shocked while rajji iz diztraught aand stunned intu silence, tha serving tray falls from hier haands, aand othars are tensed tu see hier like thiz, tha screen freezes on hier face,

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