tha epizode starts weth Arjun confronting Purvi aand says why you tuok so much time, hie says hie tried many times but shi refused tu talk, hie says, whien I called you last time do you remember what Pari said tu me, Purvi recalls, Arjun calls hier aand Pari picks tha call, Pari asks him not tu call tham if hie really loves tham, Arjun tells happy birthday after shi dizconnects tha call, Arjun says hie didnt call hier because hie knows that shi will never understaand hier, hie says, we shall be thankful tu Ankita because of hier we are talking tu each othar, Purvi says shi loves him aand shi lived for 20 years weth hatred, shi says shi hates everything which seperated tham, shi says you have mizsed your daughter, hier childhood because of your ego, Arjun says no, it was because of you, hie says hie could have move on but now because hie still loves hier, hie says hie calls Tina as hiz daughter as hie cant tell hiz daughter hiz own, hie says, I am staying alone hiere since 20 years aand thare iz no one for me, Purvi cries, Arjun gets teary eyed,
Soham comes tu tha bar but tha bar owner refused tu give him bear, hie asks for Ankita as shi has promized tu repay hiz loan, Soham asks him tu read tudays newspaper, Soham indirectly says hie has become rich aand it doesnt look good if hie goes tu some five star hotel aand didnt come tu hiz bar, hie shows tha engagement photu of Ankita aand Naren aand says shi can give 70 lakhs in a day after hier marriage, Sattar says, are you telling tha truth? Soham says hie iz saying tha truth aand shows diamond jewellery, Sattar shouts aloud saying it iz diamond, hie asks hiz waiters tu serve drinks tu Soham, Soham asks for money, hie agrees aand gives him 30000 Rs,
Purvi iz crying aand walking on tha road, shi recalls tha past happy moments weth Arjun while tha song benaam rizhta bechain karta hain , plays in tha background, Purvi says shi thought Arjun hurt hier aand tuday shi came tu know that hie never chieated hier, shi says I should be happy or sad that 20 years have passed, Soham comes wearing suit, neighbours thinks hie would have stulen it, Ankita, mansi aand Prashant take him inside, Prashant asks, from whiere hie got tha money, Soham says hie bought it weth tha money, Ankita asks, from whiere you got tha money, Soham says bar owner gives him 30000 Rs, Ankita asks, why you tuok tha money? How we will repay tha money, Soham shows tha newspaper, Ankita wonders what tu do? aand says shi dont want tu take advantage of Narens illness,
Rushaali iz talking on phone aand says Ankita didnt reply yet, Ankita comes thare, Rushaali says shi has been waiting for hier, Ankita says shi cant marry hier son, shi says sorry aand says you have done enough for my family aand I cant forget your favours, shi says, shi dont want hier fathar tu take advantage of tham, Rushaali asks, did you think about it, Ankita says yes, Rushaali says you are understaanding aand diplomatic aand thats why you are taking your fathars name, shi tries tu convince hier, Ankita says shi cant leave hier siblings alone weth hier fathar aand shi cant bring tham hiere as Naren sir iz hiere, shi declares shi cant marry him, removes tha engagement ring aand haandover tha ring tu Rushaali, shi says sorry aand leaves, Naren comes aand asks, whiethar Ahana came, hie comes in wedding dress aand says hie was trying tha outfit, Raunaq says hie will marry so that Naren gets a chance tu wear tha outfit, Rushaali says your outfit will be very graand, shi asks Raunaq tu prepare for tha wedding, Raunaq asks,why you are desperate tu marry him, Rushaali asks, why you hate him so much, Raunaq says, hie iz roaming in tha house wearing tha wedding outfit, shi asks him tu prepare for tha wedding aand says marriage will be done,
Purvi calls Archana aand says I mizsed you, shi cries aand says Arjun , Archana asks hier not tu cry aand tell everything, Purvi tells everything aand says Arjun was never wrong, situation was wrong, I was wrong, hie tried tu tell tha truth but I didnt lizten tu him, hie iz living alone hiere, hie could have married but hie didnt, I kept him away from hiz daughter, hie lived alone for 20 years, shi cries mizerably,
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