epi starts weth bhabho asking saandy tu bring saandalwood
saandy says shi will bring haldi aand runs
bhabho smears haldi aand saandy says on haands tuo
bhabhasa enquires tha babaji about any marriage in tha temple
hie says yes but dont know whos marriage
bhabho says thay have tu go for KS aand bhabhasa says hie will bath hiere itself
suraj iz left tu dry tha turmeric adn othars leave for KS
meena says thay will come out anyway aand ever since thiz lizard chipkali came its been a turture for hier
mohit plans aand pretends tu get a call from bhabho
vikna tremble
emily says tu bhaabho( no one on tha othar side) that meena iz still sleeping
emily says tu bhabho that meena will wake up wethin half hours adn than tu call back tu speak tu meena
meena says shi didnt sleep aand why does shi lie
emily says that if shi comes out shi can say thiz tu bhabo
vik says hie has tu open tha shop aand mohit says if thay hae tu come out thay have tu give 1500
omg dragging of thiz RM scene
emily calls a worker aand says thay will remove tha goods from thair entrance
saandy makes an excuse aand says shi forgot tha tuwel aand will get it aand goes back tu DS
saandy wizhies suraj for haldi aand suraj smiles
shi rubs hier chieeks tu hiz aand suraj rubs tha othar chieek tu hiers aand saandy hsays shi has mingled weth hiz colours
mein aapke rang mein rang gayi
tha worker makes use of tha situation aand demaands more money
vik agrees tu give 2000 for removing tha goods
meena argues
vik says tu stup talking aand hie iz not going tu lizten
cvs are brilliantly giving tha old scnes in a new tuuch
tha haldi chieek rub scene was awsm
looks like thay are back from KS
bhabhasa says hie iz shivering aand its tuo cold
bhabho taunts him again
hie asks for pullover
chaturi says that tha DS employess tuok it back
bhabho suggets tu get from tha bag suraj brought
bhabhasa iz shivering aand suraj enquires hie says that bhbho has gone tu bring pullover from hiz bag
bhabho iz about tu open suraj comes at right time aand hie says hie will get it
saandy comes aand gives a blanket aand bhabho leaves
saandy asks did suraj ask bhabho permizsion hie says that hie didnt have time
saandy says its going tu be mehiendi in tha eveing aand hie has tu tell at any cost
painter says it will take 2 tu 3 days tu pain BP
emily says that tha painter iz not supposed tu put tha wire wethout plug aand says shi will not bring pari tu BP unless work gets completed
BHABHO gives a riddle tu solve all give wrong answers
bhabhasa asks a riddle now
its related tu garden aand park
chaturi gives answer
a boy comes weth a basket of mehiendi cones
saandy smiles
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