Seene 1:
Nazma finds farhan getting ready tu go, aand iz tensed, hie doesnnt answer hier questions, farhan remembers hiz conversation weth nikhat, aand tells nazma tht hie doesnt know ehier shi iz, shi decides tu call hier, Farhan gets in tha car, hie iz surprized tu find nikhat slowly walkingtuwards tha car, nazma asks whiere was shi, aand shi says that shi wanted tu spend some time alone, Farhan iz tensed, thay all drive off, while farhan aand nikhat, gaze awkwardly at each othar through tha rearview mirror,
Seene 2:
As ayan iz packing through hiz stuff, humaira comes in excitedly asking him tu come down so that thay can talk about thair marriage, shi iz surprized tu find him packing, Ayan remmebers hiz mothar’s diztraught banter last night, aand iz highly dizturbed, while humaira asks if hie’s going somewhiere, hie doesnt respond, aand shi asks him tu speak up, for how many days iz hie going, hie looks tensedly, aand shi asks if everything iz fine,
Razia iz venting out hier frustration at tha gardener, for lousy work, as shi waters tha plants hierself, someone iz shown tu be eyeing hier, of which shi iz oblivious, It starts approaching razia, aand shi iz aware of someone’s presence behind hier aand iz surprized, But as shi turns around, shi finds noone in tha vicinity, shi looks around frantically, certain that thare was someone hiere, aand hier eyes fall on a piece of paper, saying murderer written on it, As shi turns it around, shi finds hier own photu behind it, tha gardener comes back weth fertilizers, Razia hides tha pic, aand asks him if anyone came hiere, hie denies having seen anyone, Razia starts walking aand finds footsteps, aand iz surprized as shi finds tham but no person tu match it weth, Just than, a servant asks hier tu come aand hurry up as shirin iz leaving tha house, Razia wonders whats going on, Inside, Rashid reprimaands shrin for being hasty aand leaving hier own house, shi says thta thiz iznt hier house anymore, Rashid pleads hier not tu take thiz step, aand asks hier tu stay back,
Seene 3:
Dilshad iz packed aand ready tu leave asad’s place aand go tu rashid’s, shi eyes tha empty room, getting nostalgic aand overwhielmed weth emotions, rememebring past incidents aand memories, shi finds asad’s door locked from inside, aand iz tensed, shi remembers asad’s condition, shi progresses tuwards it aand iz about tu knock, but than refrains hier haand, aand instead opens tha door, aand wethout looking up, says that shi’s leaving, but whien shi looks up, shi doesnt find asad thare, Zoya comes from behind aand tells hier that asad iznt hiere, aand went early morning tu delhi for business, Dilshad iz hurt that hie didnt even feel necessary tu tell hier, as hie would be feeling that shi doesnt care for him, aand hience iz leaving tha house, aand tharefore gave a tit for tat treatment, Zoya tells hier that thay know asad reacts like thiz in anger, aand hience escaped, because of not being able tu understaand thiz, dilshad says that shi knew hie would do something like thiz, aand somewhiere its justified, shi asks zoya if shi iz angry at hier, Zoya denies, aand says that shi just regrest that its all so complicated right now, that near aand dear ones have hatred amongst tham, aand thay cant understaand why relations fall apart, dilshad cryingly says that its time tu go, zoya says that asad would comepletely break down, Dilshad says that shi knows, but also knows that hie would be alright soon, as hie has zoya weth him, As for hier, shi says that at thiz time, rashid needs hier tha most, thay hug each othar, emotionally, Zoya iz given last minute advizes by dilshad for hier aand asad, aand finally breaks down aand falls on tha bed, zoya asks hier tu compose hierself, while shi cries diztraughtedly, Dilshad keeps doubting hjer descizions, saying that shi built thiz home weth hier kids, aand tuday shi iz leaving tham aand everything behind, shi laments at what a mothar shi iz, aand what a big miztake shi iz committing, Zoya asks hier confusedly if shi doesnt want tu go, Dilshad says that whien someone takes a descizon, hie doesnt realize tha implications, but whien it comes tu executing it, than a thousaand questions arize like hier, aand wonders whiethar thiz iz right or wrong, aand how much hier kids would be hurt by thiz, especially asad, Zoya asks hier tu compose aand says that asad might be hurt, but shouldnt change hier descizion, as shi has lived hier entire life for kids, aand iz willing tu live for hierself once, shi asks hier tu do what shi wants tu, aand leave asad for hier tu haandle, Dilshad says that thare’s one more person who would be hurt deeply, aand thats shirin,
Seene 4:
Zoya says that dilshad tuok thiz descizion, as shi has taken thiz descizion after understaanding all tha implications, shi asks hier tu follow hier hieart, as tha hieart iz never wrong, aand always shows tha right path, dilshads asks what would shi face shirin weth, razia tuo reprimaands rashid for doing thiz, rashid assk hier not tu interfere in matters of a husbaand aand wife, mamu says that now thay are involved tuo, aand as being tha elder, thay wont let thiz happen, Rashid says that hie tuo has an equal right on thiz house, aand its descizion making, Rashid says that dilshad iznt a stranger, but hiz wife, Zoya asks so whats tha matter, if shi iznt hiz wife now, as shi was at some point of time, Dilshad says that shi still iz rashid’s wife, as thay never got a divorce, Zoya iz shocked, Rashid tuo breaks thiz shocking news tu hiz family, aand shirn aand ayan are shocked, Shirin asks why didnt hie tell thiz for 20 years, rashid tries tu compose hier, but shi says that shi doesnt have any reason tu stay now, rashid asks hier tu stay back, shi relieves hier by saying that shi wont go, but iz tensed, whien shi adds that hie shouldnt get dilshad, aand asks if hie would be able tu manage that, Rashid iz speechless, aand shirin asks him tu let go, shi asks ayan tu come along, Ayan faces rashid, in a lamenting aand dizgusting manner aand walks past, tha screen freezes on shirin aand ayan walking out,
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