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Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 26th November 2013 Written Update

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tha Epizode starts weth Naksh planning about what hie will do in Anshu’s wedding, Naitik says think about your exams first, Akshara says thiz age iz really good, Jasmeet calls Akshara aand thanks hier, Akshara says congrats, Jasmeet says I can’t thank you, Anshu tuld me what you did, Akshara talks tu hier aand says great seeing your love, shi laughs aand says now you are related tu us also, shi says we will tease you a lot, Meenakshi iz happy about Anshu aand talks tu hier husbaand, hie says I m happy about Anshu but … shi says are you thinking about Dadda ji, hie says yes, I respect him a lot, what will I tell him whien I meet him, shi gives him courage aand says you can make him agree, as you can’t hurt anyone,

shi says Dadda ji will agree weth you aand understaand you, hie says you always say what my hieart says, Maa comes tu Naksh aand Naitik asks about Dadda ji, Girja brings badam milk for Naksh, Maa says Naksh iz burdened by hiz studies, Naksh sas even we used tu study, but you are showing pit on Naksh, which you did not show on me, Naksh says we have tu study so hard,

Ananya iz happy about Anshu aand jasmeet aand says I will tell everyone about it, Everyone are happy aand smile, Meenakshi says it was Ananya who thought about Anshu aand jasmeet, Ananya reads some poetry shi wrote about Anshu aand everyone laughs hiearing it, Anshu thanks hier for making him smile aand giving him confidence aand courage, Ananys smiles, Dadda ji comes tu Akshara’s house aand meets Vizhwamber, shi says you regard me as your elder brothar aand it thiz tha way you respect me, hie says please sit, we will explain you, Dadda ji says will you take every decizion on your own aand not consult us, hie says sorry for not asking him, Dadda ji says no need tu apologize as you have not done any miztake,

Everyone looks at Dadda ji, Dadda ji says what you did iz right, I m proud of you, Everyone get happy aand smile, hie asys I should be sorry for not understaanding your feelings aand scolding Naitik aand Akshara about you, Dadda ji says Akshara explained me that we should not divide people aand make communities aand rituals which take away our happiness, shi says we are lucky tu get bahus like Akshara aand Varsha who guide us, hie says yes, I got rid of tha burden, tha society members come aand apologize tu Vizhwamber, Dadda ji says we won’t get a hiead like you, tha men leave, Dadda ji talks tu Anshu aand asks whien did you grow up that you thought about your wedding, congrats, tuuch your sibling’s feet who taught us aand showed us tha way,

Dadda ji says tell me what tu do ahiead, whien you fix tha wedding date talking tu tha girl’s family, Vizhwamber says lets do tha tilak tumorrow, Maa aand Bauji talk about Dadda ji, Naksh asks whien will everyone come, Maa thinks Dadda j went thare being angry, Bau ji says I m afraid Dadda ji will be unwell, Dadda ji comes back home aand tells tham that nothing happened thare, it will happen tumorrow, Maa aand Bau j gets tensed, Akshara says its Anshu’s tilak tumorrow, Naksh says my magic worked, Maa says congrats tu Akshara,

Naitik says everyone agreed tu thair proposal, thay spoke tu jasmeet’s parents also, Naksh says we have exams tumorrow, Akshara says tha tilak iz in tha evening, you come after school, Everyone laughs, Ananya talks tu everyone about tumorrow, Varsha says its fine, Ananya says don’t do like thiz in wedding, Shaurya says we will keep tha wedding in your holidays, Ananya says ok, Anshu says can we postpone tha tilak, Meenakshi says why, its not required, shi says it won’t look good, jasmeet’s family might be doing tha arrangements, Anshu says I don’t want tu marry right now, thay ask him why, hie says jasmeet iz still studying aand I m not yet settled in business, thay agree weth Anshu,

Everyone are happy seeing Anshu’s thoughts aand respects hiz decizion, Shaurya teases him calling him a kid aand everyone laughs, Dadi says Shaurya don’t tease him, Shaurya says I will tease him even infront of hiz children, Anshu becomes shy, Akshara iz weth Dadda j taking care of him,

Dadda j sas you supported tha truth, Akshara thanks him for accepting thair feelings aand thoughts aand bringing a change in tha society, shi says it was tuugh for us, but you always tried aand made me live happy permitting me tu come out from boundaries, shi says we are happy under your guidance, Dadda ji blesses hier aand shi asks him tu take medicines, Maa calls Akshara’s mum aand says congrats about Anshu’s wedding, shi invites tham for tha tilak ceremony,

Maa asks Akshara will you also invite Rukmani, Akshara says yes, we will invite hier, Maa gets tensed thinking what will Rukmani do thare, Bau ji jokes weth Maa saying its a big problem tu decide tha saree for tha occasion aand shi smiles, Maa says you will be in problem, not us if we don’t wear a good saree, Naitik says Bau ji it looks like we made a miztake by speaking tu tham, Maa aand Akshara laughs aand goes tu do kitchien work, Maa asks Naitik aand Akshara tu go tu hier house in tha morning tu hielp hier family,

Maa asks about tha saree Akshara iz making for hier, Akshara asys its not yet ready, Maa says I think about your aand Naitik’s wedding,

Maa tells Bau ji that we are getting many

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