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jalaal comes tu address hiz soldiers aand says that tuday thare are many soldiers who have gone tu war before but many will experience war 1st time so i want tu ask one question, will you want tu shid blood for me or want tu win war? thay chant that die for jalaal, jalaal says wrong i dont want you tu shid blood for me wethout any reason, you all are educated, have latest weapons, you are mughal soldiers so its your duty tu win war as mughals dont lose, hie says you have eliminate enemy but remember enemys childern, oldies aand ladies are not your enemy so dont kill tham, hie ask tham tu fight like that enemy will fear afterward by mughal name only, hie leaves, Maham says your speech was very good, jalaal says it was needed as tuday morning i saw rahim flying kite, i noticed that if you have kites thread but your eyes are not on target than your kite will be cut by enemy than people will see you weth pity eyes same way i keep my eyes on my soldiers so that thay dont lose, maham says i am proud of you, you have grown alot,
Seene 2
jodha comes tu hamida aand says i am feeling sad, because of jalaals judgement relation are broken only, hamida says nothing can happen now as jalaal have passed judgement, hie broke hiz relation aand hie will follow it, hie will not like bakshis presence in hiz birthday also, Jodha thinks that hie gave that judgement as a king so people will not think negative about him but nobody knows what hie iz going through, hie iz suffering from pain aand i can feel that, hamida says hie tuok that decizion as a king jodha says but hie can forgive hier as a brothar, Hamida says dont put yourself in thiz, maybe relation will effect because of bakshi, lets time decide tha fate, jodha thinks everything cant be put on time, jalaal iz human aand hie needs tu see right path,
Seene 3
bakshi comes tu jalaal who has hiz back tu hier, jalaal ask hier tu go away, shi says i came tu give you gift, jalaal says you have already given that, you did tha biggest sin, jodha comes from behind, bakshi puts tha gift down aand leaves, jalaal sees it aand it iz sea shill, hie takes tham aand grab in hiz fizt, jodha has tears aand says why dont you forgive hier? jalaal says i gave you opportunity tu punizh hier but you didnt, just go, Precap, Jodha says by breaking relation weth bakshi you are angry weth hier, me, aand whole world, i request you tu forgive hier, its a great thing tu forgive someone, shi cries aand takes hier haand back from hiz shoulder aand leave, jalaal iz thoughtful aand thinks every year thare iz celebration on my birthday but thiz year will change my life,
Seene 4
adka informs hamida that all guests have reachied for jashn, In kitchien, maham orders tu prepare good food for jalaal aand says i will taste food first,Hamida comes tu jalaal aand wizhies him birthday, shi ask him tu gift poor people aand free people who are in jail,Moti comes tu jodha aand says all are celebrating jalaals bday, Jodha says hie gifted me kanhas bansuri aand also tuok my side in front of all, i am thinking what should i give him, hie has everything plus ruks, maham aand minizters will gift him, what should i give him?
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jalaal comes tu ruks, who hugs him aand wizhies him, jalaal says i came tu you first, whiere iz my gift? Ruks says first you have tu guess my questions, 1st izwho gave you life has othar questionjalaal says its hamida who gave me life, hie goeshamidamahamrahim
Seene 6
jalaal sees jodha near tulsi plant aand thinks ruks included jodha in thiz game also
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