Seene 1:
Shiela comes in tha kitchien aand tells kamla that shi felt that shi was beside hier, last night aand taking care of hier, kamal says that shi would never know what can shi do for hier daughter’s care, shiela compliments kamla for taking care of everyone, in tha family, shi smiles aand leaves tu attend tu sarita aand tha othars weth a tea, asking shiela tu relax, whien shi offers tp serve everyone hierself,
In hiz room, vikrant iz sleeping, while sarita iz running hier haands through hiz hair, hie wakes up weth a start, kamla iz outside, aand iz about tu knock whien shi hiears tham talking, hie says tht hie iz always fearful, that days pass by aand hie iznt able tu do anything, tu get closer tu tha murderer, aand proving hier innocent, sariita says that if tha thief iz super smart, than hie shouldnt blame himself for it, hie says that hie wont be at peace till hie gets tha actual culprit behind tha bars, Kamla hiears thiz aand iz tensed, shi knocks anbd sarita iz surprized tu see hier, Kamla asks about abhi aand iz tuld that hie iz weth divya, Kamla asks vikrant not tu take otharwize, aand says that thay are always fearful of being caught, aand till date thare’s been no evidence, aand god forbid if thay are caught now, than saving thamselves iz going tu be difficult, shi says that after all that thay have been through, finally thay have happiness, aand cant see tham ruining it away again, shi says that has an idea, aand that iz tu take sarita aand abhi away, from even India, aand start a new life, hie thinks that thiz iz right aand even after much efforts, maybe thiz iz tha only option, kamla iz relieved aand leaves tham tu take thair descizion, sarita iz tensed, Kamla apologizes in hier mind tu sarita, that shi did thiz for shiela, but never knew sarita would be trapped, shi says that shi never wanted thiz tu happen, as shi cant confess thiz crime, aand leave hier kids, hience its best that sarita leaves weth hier family,
vikrant tells everyone, that hie iz thankful for thair support aand cooperation, but that its increasingly dangerous for tham tu ber staying hiere anymore, hie says that hie has decided tu take sarita aand abhi tu germany forever, thay are surprized, Raj says that due tu tha case, leaving iz going tu be an izsue, aand if shi leaves, than shi would never be proven innocent, divya says that thiz means sarita wont be able tu return ever, Vikrant says that hie knows, but doesnt have any othar option, aand if thay stay hiere, thay would be caught soon, aand sarita would be punizhied for crime that shi didnt commit, Vikrant aand everyone else are dizcussing how would thay now prove that sarita iz innocent, as thay have no evidence tu catch tha murderer, Abhi asks whats an evidence, Vikrant explains it tu him, Abhi says that hie would give a witness, testifying sarita’s character, Divya tells that court wouldnt beleive him, aand would want factual evidence, like a phot aand video, kamla comes aand asks tham not tu tax abhi unnecessarily, aand have breakfast, Abhi surprizes everyone aand says that hie has an evidence, of tha video camera thats installed in hiz tuy car, which recorded everything that night, aand due tu tha surf board attachied tu it, hie tuok it around all tha house, aand recorded everything, all are excited hiearing thiz, except kamla who’s tensed, Sarita asks hier what happened, as shi doesnt look fine, shi says that shi iz feeling tired, Raj asks hier tu leave tu hier room, while hie sends hier tea, shi complies, Abhi tells tham that hie recorded everything that day, tu surprize hiz parents weth that video, vikrant iz super happy, aand asks him whiere’s that car, abhi says that hie doesnt remember whiere hie kept it in tha house, thay ask him tu remember nicely, abhi says that its in hiz room somewhiere, all are tensed, Kamla thinks that if thare’s any evidence of tha murder, than shi would be implicated, shi says that shi would have tu get tu that car somehow first, so that shi iznt implicated, After kamla leaves, abhi remembers that its under hiz bed, Vikrant decides tu leave rightaway tu get that car, Abhi aand sarita tuo tag along, thay ask vikrant tu take care of not being seen in public,
Seene 2:
Vaandana hiears a doorbell aand goes on tu find kamla, aand greets aand welcomes hier inside, Vansana apologizes profusely for hier behaviour, saying that shi’s already being punizhied for hier work, aand that shi has ruined hier life, aand would never be able tu face tham ever, kamal wonders how would shi search for tha car, if shi keeps sitting hiere, Kamla says that shi forgives vaandana for hier sins, Vaandana asks for shiela’s aand rohan;s marriage, if shi can get over tha past, as thay sincerely love each othar, kamla iz tensed, On being insizted by vaandana, kamla says that shi would think about it, on one condition, Kamal asks vaandana tu promize hier that shi wont ever tell everyone, that shi was hiere, or thay talked about thiz, Vaandana readily agrees tu thiz, Kamla iz tensed, aand vaandana asks whats tha matter, aand goes tu get shirbat for hier, Kamla asks hier tu get tea for hier instead, vanadan leaves for tha kitchien, Kamla takes thiz time, tu snoop around tha house, aand search for abhi’s tuycar in hiz room, vaandana iz busy making tea, After much searching, shi finally finds it, aand manages tu hide it in tha shopping bag that shi had brought weth hier, aand iz relieved, vaandana returns weth tha masala tea, Kamla finizhies tha tea in one go, surprizing vaandana, Vaandana talks about marriage, but kamal says that shi would come at leizure, shi asks vaandana tu remember hier promize aand not tell anyone,
As kamla iz about tu leave, weth a shopping bag, shi iz shocked tu find vikrant aand sarita getting down from tha car, aand coming tuwards tha house, kamal hides behind tha door, as thay excitedly go intu tha house, kamal moves out, aand leaves, thay enter abhi’s room aand cant find that car anywhiere, sarita wodners if its mizplaced in tha cleaning, thay frantically search around, but in vain, Vikrant iz tensed tu see sarita diztraught at tha situation, tha screen freezes on hiz face,
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