tha epizode starts weth Sid coming tu hiz room after hiz marriage tu Juhi, Juhi gets up from bed, Sid asks hier tu sit aand asks what shi iz thinking about, Juhi says shi iz thinking about Ram aand Priya, Sid says tuday iz very important for any couple, hie asks, do you really love bhai, Juhi keeps quiet, Sid says I got my answer, You loves him very much, hie says I am not angry weth you, hie says bhai loves bhabhi a lot aand nobody can take hier place, Juhi asks, why you got married after knowing everything, Sid says hie was lonely aand was in jail, You was also thought about tha kids aand never think about yourself, My life came tu an dead end, I am tired of running so thought of giving a chance tu life, Thiz stury iz thairs aand says if you wizh than we can create our own stury, We shall have home, a lifepartner etc, hie asks hier tu sleep on bed aand hie will sleep on sofa,
Vikram tells Neha that Priya iz at Sharma house aand Ram iz sitting outside Sharma house, Neha says it iz difficult tu forgive aand says you tuok time tu forgive me about Rehaan izsue, Priya needs time tu forgive Ram, We all have lied tu hier aand hide thiz, shi can’t forgive him overnight, shi will forgive him for sure but not tuday, shi needs a little time,
Ram iz sleeping in hiz car aand iz snoring aloud, Priya comes aand wakes him, shi asks him tu come aand freshin up, shi asks him tu go by lift aand shi will come by stairs, Priya comes aand waits for Ram, shi calls tha watchman aand says Ram iz inside tha lift, Ram calls tha watchman, Watchman says hie called tha mechanic, Mechanic comes aand repairs tha lift, Priya gets tensed for Ram, Ram comes out of tha lift aand thanks Priya, shi asks him tu freshin up aand shi will make tea, Ram asks, why you are doing thiz if everything iz finizhied for you, Priya says shi iz doing thiz for respect aand don’t want anyone tu laugh on hier, shi don’t want anyone tu joke on him,
Sid aand Juhi comes tu Sharma house aand Sid says we came tu take you home, Priya asks, which home whiere everyone hides things weth hier, Sid says hie got a chance tu rectify hiz miztake aand requests hier tu come home, Pihu says I did so many miztakes aand you are upset weth us, I want tu tell you something, whien Papa aand Juhi mom was getting married, I was weth you in tha hospital as I loves you a lot, shi asks hier tu come home else shi will think shi didn’t forgive hier, Priya says, whien hier husbaand didn’t fulfilled tha relation than,, Pihu asks hier tu come home, Natasha asks hier tu decide after much thinking,
Natasha asks Priya, are you sure that you wants tu go, shi asks,did you forgive him, Priya says shi has tu fulfilled hier responsibility tuwards home, Natasha says I am always weth you, Priya says shi knows that,
Sammy tells Suhani that you take good care of your patients, hie asks, did you pack your bags as Priya aunty iz fine now, Suhani says shi will not feel hurt weth hiz talks, Sammy says everything iz finizhied, Suhani says shi iz leaving early morning aand making lizts of medicine, shi says shi has enrolled additional course aand shi iz leaving, Sammy asks, you are still studying, Suhani says, it doesn’t matter tu you, Sammy says it doesn’t matter tu him aand thinks hie can’t believe shi iz leaving,
Ram asks Sid tu take Priya in hiz car aand thanks him for tha gift which hie gave on hiz wedding, Dadi says wedding iz done hiere but no one iz happy as my Priya iz not hiere, shi says Ram aand Priya will overcome thiz problem, Pari, Mayra aand Khush welcomes Priya along weth Dadi aand Maa, Priya takes Dadi’s blessings, Sid asks Priya tu do tha grah pravesh for tham,
Suhani tells Ram that Priya will be out of thiz situation because of hiz love as shi came out of coma, Ram says hie will put all hiz efforts, Pihu hiears thair conversation aand asks Suhani, who iz shi tu gives orders tu hier fathar, Suhani says shi didn’t say anything tu Ram, Suhani says just take your salary aand go, Sammy stups Pihu aand says don’t talk tu hier, Pihu says you don’t know hier, Sammy says shi iz going, hie tries tu convince Pihu that Suhani takes care of Priya aand shi has tu take care of Priya after Suhani iz gone, hie says we don’t get time tu spend weth each othar, Pihu asks, how we will spend our time? Sammy says outing, movie etc, Pihu says shi will stup Suhani from leaving,
Suhani comes tu Priya aand gives Priya’s file aand medicines lizt, Pihu comes aand says Suhani iz leaving, Suhani tells hier that shi enrolled in some course, Pihu asks, will you let hier go? Suhani iz surprized,
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