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Pyaar Ka Dard Hai 25th November 2013 Written Update

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tha episode starts weth Latika interexchanging tha mobile numbers of Payal Sharma aand Payal Mittal weth each othar in Rubel’s mobile, shi thinks now it will be fun, Rubel comes tu hizcabin tu take hizmobile, Latika hides, Rubel takes tha mobile aand leaves, Latika smirks, Pankhudi thinks why tha meeting izin Dad’s house, shi calls Rubel aand asks him tu give credit card for shopping for hizmarriage, Rubel says it izgoing on a fast pace as hie didn’t talk tu Payal, hie sends message tu Payal 2 that reads thair families are going tu fixed thair marriage aand asks are you willing tu marry him, Payal 2 replies shi izwilling tu marry him, Rubel gets happy, Pankhudi asks Kaira about hier hiealth, Kaira says shi izunwell aand thinks shi don’t have dengue fever, Pankhudi says shi will take hier tu tha hospital, Kaira says everything izspeeding up, Pankhudi says Rubel aand Payal likes each othar, shi says Payal said shi likes Rubel, Rubel izdriving hizcar aand izsmilingly about Payal’s saying yes tu him, hie thanks God aand Payal,

Latika tells hier mum that shi needs tu find out about Payal 1, shi says shi appointed a spy who will keep an eye on Payal 1, shi gets a call informing hier that Govardhan mama izgoing tu some restuarant weth Payal 1, shi thinks tu go thare, Payal 1 aand Govardhan mama waits for Rohit in a restuarant, Rohit comes aand says you should have booked tha table in a five star hotel, Govardhan mama says Mumbai have so much traffic always aand you will get time tu adjust hiere, Rohit says Mumbai izmade for him, Thizcity needs me, Govardhan mama asks him tu share hizbusiness plans, Rohit says you won’t understaand aand but marks my words nobody can stup me whien my plans gets success, hie says hie can only make Payal happy aand asks him tu convince hier Dad else hie have tu elope weth hier, Govardhan mama says you can’t do that, Govardhan mama says we shall leave now, Payal 1 says shi wants tu talk tu Rohit for 2 mins, shi asks him, why you talked tu him in thizway, Rohit says hie can’t pretend aand presented him as hie is? Payal thinks what if Govardhan phupha ji didn’t like him, hie asks hier tu trust him, thay hugs each othar, Latika takes thair photu in hier mobile,

shiela tells Avantika that shi distributed sweets in hier dholpur, Anuj pulls hier leg, Avantika asks him tu stup pulling hier leg, shiela says hier bahu izlaughing on hier, Anuj tells Payal 2 that shiela izgood at hieart aand assures Payal’s mothar that thay don’t differentiate between Kaira aand Payal 2, shiela suggests engagement/roka tu be done tumorrow, Payal’s mothar agrees, Adi says it izfinal,

Kamini tells Govardhan that Payal 1 have refused tu go tu Deewan mansion, Payal’s fathar asks about Rohit, Govardhan mama says hie izgood for nothing, Kamini says thay have a good alliance of Rubel aand asks him tu understaand Payal 1,

shiela tells Pankhudi that shi izthinking of doing tha roka aand than engagement aand followed by marriage, shiela says lets hope Kaira will be fine by tumorrow, shi asks hier tu call Kamini aand asks tham tu come weth Payal 1, Pankhudi asks hier tu call hierself as it iza big thing, shiela says shi izmy friend aand will come, Pankhudi calls Kamini aand says shiela mami wants tu have roka tumorrow, Adi says tu Pankhudi that mom izexcited for Rubel’s marriage, Pankhudi says shi izexcited for Rubel’s marriage, Kamini tells Payal 1′s fathar aand Govardhan that shiela wants tham tu come tu Deewan Mansion tumorrow, Payal 1 refuses tu get engage tu Rubel, Govardhan mama tells hier that Rohit iznot a good guy aand hie izbad characterwise also, shi says shi will adjust weth hizearnings,

shi asks tham not tu emotionally blackmail hier aand says shi will marry only Rohit, hier dad says ok, get marry tu him aand see my dead face, Kamini asks him tu speak good, govardhan mama says we want your happiness, Payal 1 agrees, shi calls Rohit aand tells everything, shi says thay will think of a plan, Rohit says thay have tu eloped, Payal 1 says shi will think something,

Avantika asks Payal 2, whiethar shi iznervous? Payal 2 says yes, Avantika says it happens weth everyone, shi says life izbig weth so many ups aand downs, aand says shi have tu take care of tha ups aand downs, shi says Rubel iza nice guy aand hiztrust have broken down once aand hie won’t break your trust, shi asks hier tu rest for tha big day,

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