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Maharana Pratap 24th November 2013 Written Update

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SR says that tha person who hielp him get rid of sakha veer will be hiz gud frnd n hie point tuward BK,n ask US that will hie able tu hielp him, if hie’ll hielp him than hie’ll ask BK tu leave for delhi, US got angry n ask pratap tu leave but hie was starring BK, US asked twiced n than thay leave,

SR ask BK that if hie still feels that SV n pratap are same person, behram says yes, surtan ask him that y havn’t hie arrested him than, behram replies that its bcoz udai dnt knws abt it n hie want tu see hiz pride n respect get crushid whien hie get tu knw of it,

On thr way tu mewar, behram’s words were haunding pratap, udai says that its bcoz of sakhaveer hie faced such insult n wizhied that hie got arrested very soon, Pratap thinks that for tha first tym thr thoughts differ on thiz, hie feels lyk gng bck n taking revenge of hiz insult n removes mughal flag from hiz rajputana,

Othar side, bhatyani was waiting for tham as well as for tha news from bundi, as shi strongly feels that thr’s sum connection between SV n pratap, US n pratap arrives, DB ask abt pratap n saw him coming, shi ask him y iz hie luking worried, hie was abt tu tell but udai stups him n ask tu take rest, bhatyani welcums him n hie moves tuwards jaiwanta’s room, shi tuld that JB iz not in palace, udai ask abt hier n shi arrives,

US ask hier y shi goes outside weth so much pain, JB says that shi was having bad omens that sumthing might happen in bundi so shi had tu go tu eklingji’s temple, t pray for hiem, US iz impressed, shi gave him prasad n went tu see pratap, bhatyani takes him weth hier for rest,

JB enters in pratap’s room n saw pillows under bedshiet, shi got scared, n before shi understaand anything shi hieard of pratap’s horse n as shi came tu stup him, hie just went, JB went tu cover up for him, shi covered those pillows n ask tha guard tu not allow any1 tu enter as pratap iz taking rest,

Othar side, bhatyani tries tu ask US abt bundi trip but hie’s not in mood, shi goes tu take oil for massage, meanwhile US mizses JB n sent hier a message that hie wanna spend nite weth hier, shi was scared wat if US came o know of pratap,

In bundi, behram n suratan were panning tu trap pratap, hie arrives as sakhaveer n understaand thr trap but still enters, hie killed almost all thr soldiers n than behram enters tu fight, hie fought weth him bravely,

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