Home » » Diya Aur Baati Hum 27th November 2013 Written Update

Diya Aur Baati Hum 27th November 2013 Written Update

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epi starts weth a boy coming weth mehiendi aand saandy smiles

bhabho says thay dont need it

tha boy says thare iz marriage aand only thay sent thiz

bhabho says it wont look good if shi returns tha shagun ki mehiendi

suraj fumbles

hie iz not able tu say tu bhabho about surya rewed

hie manages tu divert tha matter

saandy smiles aand says shi will apply mehiendi

bhabho says shi never saw saandy interested in mehiendi

how come iz eager tu pply mehiendi

bhabhasa says its situational shi iz feeling shi wants tu aand why doesnt bhabho allow hier

bhabho says shi needs tu get beetal leaves aand goes

bhabhasa says hie tuo wants tu have paan aand leaves

chaturi applies mehiendi for saandy

saandy says tu suraj tu apply mehiendi

bhabho comes at tha right time aand stups chaturi applying mehiendi on surja’s haands

bhabho says only during marrige gents apply mehiendi

shi asks iz hie going tu marry again

hie says no

aand tells him tu go tu market

meena talks tu hier mom

aand thay both taunt emily aand hier BP

shi says shi iz coming tu RM for lunch

as thair LPG has gone empty

meena’s mom gives a lizt of items tu be made for lunch

momily are in tha terrace

emily says that painter has almost finizhied tha job

mohit says hie will inaugrate tha shop weth saandy

emily says that hier parents are viziting RM aands says him tu join

everyone are fast asleep aand saandy thinks that suraj has not yet applied mehiendi

shi picks tha cone aand comes near suraj

shi removes hier anklets which make noize

chaturi notices saandy

break: saandy says shi will not

leave any ritual incomplete aand iz almost going tu apply

bhabhasa blabbers aand shi gets in tha razai

shi waks suraj aand chaturi iz all noticing thiz

hie doesnt wake

shi pulls hiz haands iz about tu apply

break scene

suraj switchies on tha light in hiz mobile

aand bhabho wakes up

chaturi worries what if bhabho notices saandy not in hier bed

bhabho sees empty bed of saandy

aand shi goes tu wake up suraj

omg surya tensed

break: bhabho iz about tu wake suraj whien chaturi calls bhabho aand bhabho asks whiere iz saandy

same as break scnee

chaturi says saandy iz in bathroom

saandy iz hugging suraj in tha blanket

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