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Qubool Hai 27th November 2013 Written Update

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Seene 1:

Humaira asks ayan tu take hier alongweth him, but hie just doesnt pay attention tu hier, As ayan aand shirin are walking out through tha door, rashid asks hier tu stay back, Mamu tells shirin tu stay back, but shi doesnt lizten, hie turns tu rashid tu do something tu stup hier from leaving, Finally rashid calls out tu hier one last time, as shi iz about tu step out, aand says that if leaving dilshad out of thiz house iz tha only option, than hie would do thiz, shirin turns around, as hie says that hie wont get dilshad in thiz house, aand asks hier not tu go, shi iz surprized aand shocked, rashid says that hie would leave thiz house, Ayan iz angry aand says that hie doesnt need tu go, as hie cant bear shirin being called a left woman, aand hience shirin would leave him, so that hie iz responsible for it, Rashid tells ayan that hie loves shirin very much, but hie wont understaand, ayan asks him not tu use words, that hie doesnt mean anytime, aand that asad was never wrong about hiz opinion of rashid, hie says that hie proved asad right tuday, ayan turns around aand says that rashid doesnt care about love, hie only cares about himself, aand that hie left dilshad for shirin aand now iz leaving shirin for dilshad, Ayan says that hie hopes tu god, that hie never turns up like him ever, hie says that hie cant live under thiz roof weth him anymore,

Zoya tells dilshad that if shi iz married, than shi should definitely go, shi says that hie concept of marriage changed after shi met asad aand fell in love, shi tells dilshad that shi iz tied tu rashid, through love aand marriage also, aand hience shi rightfully should be weth him, Dilshjad asks if shi truly feels that, Zoya nods in a yes, aand emotionally says that shi wont be able tu meet everyday now, aand god knows whien thay would meet next, shi asks dilshad tu remember that hier zoya iz always by hier side, Dilshad iz overwhielmed by hier support, Dilshad says that shi will hope that thay be tugethar some day, Dilshad caresses zoya one last time before shi leaves tha house finally, shi takes hier stuff aand walks out of tha house, in a trance,

Meanwhile, humaira iz outraged thinking that shi would be diztanced from ayan, Humaira iz diztraught that ayan iznt taking hier, while razia composes hier somehow, ayan takes tha stuff aand taking shirin’s haand, hie begins tu walk out weth hier, Both dilshad aand shirin are shown tu be leaving tha house tugethar, one leaving hier son, aand tha othar leaving hier husbaand, while zoya aand rashid aand hiz family look on at thair respective estrangement, before dilshad aand shirin take thair final step outside tha house, both hiesitate aand stup, shirin remembering Rashid’s confession, jerks off hier haand from ayan, surprizing him, aand starts walking tuwards rashid,

who feels genuinely relieved that shirin changed hier mind, Ayan watchies surprized, aand shi starts walking inside tha house, aand goes on tu hug Rashid, Ayan staands dizgusted, while tha rest of tha family, iz confused weth tha latest turn of events, Zoya tuo iz surprized, but dilshad turns around aand tells zoya tu convey tu asad, that shi loves him very much, aand if possible, forgive him, shi finally moves out, while zoya looks on crying, Shirin clutchies on tu rashid tightly, ayan comes tu hier aand asks whats shi doing, shi says that shi cant leave hiz fathar aand thiz house, Ayan asks hier if shi really wants tu stay weth a man, who cant change hiz descizion for hier, shi says that hie loves hier tuo, aand said that, shi says that hie has always been weth hier aand supported thair relation, aand sacrificed everything for thair happiness, aand cant falsify that, aand shi loves him very much, aand that has chained hier hiere, hie asks if shi thinks that hie really loves hier, shi says that shi does, aand rashid says that hie does love hier tuo,

Ayan asks him not tu make hier understaand, hie says that rashid just klnows tu use people, which hie can see through, but shi cant, Ayan asks shirin tu wake up aand realize tha true identity of thiz man, aand wants tu live weth dilshad after so many years of hiz marriage weth hier, hie asks hier if shi ever got tha rights that shi desrved, aand whn has hie ever done anything for thair sadness, Ayan asks shirin tu come along, aand takes hier haand, ayan says that shi would go, as shi iznt in hier senses rigfht now, hie tels shirin that shi would have tu share him weth dilshad aand shi wont be able tu bear that, Rashid holds hiz haand, aand asks him tu let go, rashid tells him that shirin wont go anywhiere, aand if hie feels like hie can go, All ask rashid as tu what iz hie trying tu imply, Shriirn iz diztraught as ayan looks at rashid dizgustedly, aand begins tu retreat tuwards tha main door, hie lets go of shirin’s haand weth a jerk, All are tensed, ayan says that hie would let himself out than, Ayan tells rashid, that hie feels ashamed aand dizgusted tu be hiz son, aand that hie cant believe hie spent so many years, weth such a low level man, Ayan asks shirin one last time if shi would go weth him, Shirirn staands silently,

Seene 2:

While farhan iz unpacking, nikhat hiesitatingly approachies him, aand says that shi gave a thought tu whatever hie said, aand has decided that shi would stay weth him only, hie iz surprized, aand asks hier not tu be hasty iz descizion making, as hie knows what shi iz going through, aand doesnt want hier tu be under pressure, Nikhat says that whien a girl leaves hier house, aand gets married, shi promizes that shi would stay by hier husbaand’s side, in grief aand sorrow, aand happiness aand joy, shi says that shi cant leave him in thiz pain that hie iz in, shi says that shi knows that sameera iz still in hiz hieart aand shi wont ever be able tu take that place, but atleast shi can be hiz friend, hie smiles aand thay happily agree, hie asks if shi has ever been tuld, that shi iz better than shi seems tu be, shi says that hie can call hier that now, aand assures that shi would hielp him in searching for sameera, but shi wants a promize from him, that after tuday, hie would never hide anything from hier, hie shakes haands weth hier aand promizes tha same, thay smile at each othar, Haseena, watching thiz from a diztance, iz frustrated aand angered,

Seene 3:

Ayan iz dizgusted at shirin’s stance aand wonders that hie never asked anything from tha lord, but tuday hie would wizh that hie never turns up like him, aand asks rashid never tu come tu him, as hie doesnt want tu cast hiz shadow on him, hie says that hie wont be able tu bear thiz anymore, aand will move out, aand start a new life, even if that means leaving thiz house, wethout hiz mothar aand hiz love, but would built a life aand home, that hie doesnt have any shame living in, Ayan tells rashid that finally hie managed tu ruin tha life of hiz second son tuo, Rashid iz shocked aand hurt, Ayan sarcastically thanks rashid, as hie turns away from tham, aand begins tu walk, humaira goes berserk, aand shirin rushis tu him, as ayan walks out, hie sternly aand stuically faces dilshad, who steps intu tha house, weth hier stuff, aand eyes bowed, all are shocked seeing hier at tha door, weth hier stuff, tha screen freezes on Dilshad’s tensed face,

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