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Pavitra Rishta 27th November 2013 Written Update

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tha epizode starts weth Archana asking Manav tu book tickets for hier tu Mumbai, Manav asks, iz everything fine? Purvi iz fine naa, Archana says shi iz not fine aand hier circumstance also iz not fine, shi iz going through tha same path which we went through, 20 years back Arjun aand purvi got seperated aand we didn’t take tha initiative tu know about it, shi says we did a miztake tu not know it, Manav says but Arjun iz weth Ovi, Archana says Arjun didn’t betrayed Purvi, hie iz innocent, hie has been lonely all along, shi cries aand blames hierself, shi says Purvi called hier aand shi was crying a lot, shi needs Arjun aand shi iz very pained, I want hier tu be happy aand didn’t want hier destiny tu be like hier, Manav says thay will go tu Mumbai aand unite hier love back tu our daughter, Pari overhiears everything, Archana hugs Manav,

Prashant tells Ankita that hie got admizsion in tha university, Ankita asks, did you got scholarship, Prashant says Rushaali madam paid tha feels aand made thiz possible, Mansi comes aand says someone repaid thair loan aand says shop keeper gave hier one month’s stuff, shi says shi got admizsion in some institute aand says shi iz excited tu work weth tha designer, Prashant aand Mansi gives tha credit tu Jiju Naren, Prashant says you are lucky tu have him, Jiju thinks about us unlike othar rich people, Mansi says hie loves us aand that’s why hie iz fulfilling tha responsibility of tayi, Ankita thinks whiethar shi tuok tha right decizion, Ankita sees hier siblings happy while thay were enjoying tha variety of dizhies, shi thinks thay are happy for tha first time,Prashant asks for sweets, Mansi asks tham tu finizh dinner first, Shashank comes aand says hie will have sweets after knowing tha good news, hie says may be thiz happiness iz for Ankita’s engagement, Prashant tells him that hie got admizsion in tha college, Shashank congrats him,

Shashank asks for Ankita aand goes tu tha kitchien, Shashank tells hier that hie got tha news about hier engagement from tha newspaper, hie says atleast I think we are still friends, Ankita says shi loves hier would be husbaand Naren, Shashank iz hurt but congratulates hier, Ankita thanks him, Ankita goes tu talk tu him but hie had already left, Ankita calls Rushaali aand asks hier tu get hier marriage done fast, Rushaali gets happy aand says shi will take out tha mahurat, Rushaali asks Raunaq tu take care of Naren’s shirwani aand shoes,

Teju tells Archana that shi will come weth hier, Neena tells Sachin tu stay back, Savita says thay will come tu India, Archana asks Pari tu come, Pari says shi will not go aand will not allow hier mum tu go back tu Arjun, Archana says shi iz my daughter aand I will unite tham, Archana says shi will be happy weth Arjun, Pari says shi suffered a lot aand doesn’t want hier tu suffer anymore, Archana says shi will be happy, pari says hie will come aand hurt hier again, hie don’t deserve hier, Archana says Arjun iz living alone since 20 years, hie deserve hiz wife aand daughter’s love, I know tha truth now aand will unite tham,

Naren comes tu Ankita’s neighbourhood aand asks about Ahana, tha shopkeeper says shi don’t stay hiere, Mansi aand sonu see aand greets him, Ankita comes, Naren looks at hier aand says I came tu give you something, Car comes, Ankita says you want tu give me car, Naren says no aand takes out tha BMW plate aand sits on hiz knees, hie proposes hier aand asks hier will you be my wife? Ankita smiles at hiz weird style of proposing hier, Naren says thiz car iz for test drive, hie gives tha cactus plant aand says hie got it for hier, Naren asks, whiere iz your ring, Ankita says it iz inside, I will wear it, Rushaali calls Ankita aand asks about Naren, Ankita says hie left just now aand will be reaching home soon, Rushaali thanks hier aand dizconnects tha call,

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