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Jodha Akbar 25th November 2013 Written Update

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ruks iz in hier room aand ask hoshiyar whiethar you asked joodha tu meet me, hie nods, joodha comes in aand ask you called me? ruks says yes i want tu talk weth you, ruks ask do you have feeling for joodha? joodha ask what? ruks says do you feel bad that you are not going tu mothar of hiz child?, jalaal was teary eyed aand i saw you were looking at him continously aand was feeling hiz pain, do you start loving him? as you both were tugethar for many days, are you sad that jalaal didnt do anything that night?, joodha says many questions are in your mind i am happy that hie didnt break hiz promize, yes i was sad looking him teary eyed in court as i dont hate him now, hie made sure that i didnt get insulted in front of all,

but you have wrongly taken my soft corner for him as love, hie iz infact your best friend, ruks good as i cant bear that jalaal love somebody else than me, joodha says now i will ask you a question whiethar you love jalaal? ruks says thats why i am hiz wife joodha repeats again, ruks says hie iz my best friend, joodha says i am asking thiz question tu a girl not a friend, precap, ruks ask hier tu stup, i dont have tu give explanations whiethar i love him or not, just go, joodha says you called me hiere aand now you are asking me tu fo so i will but i want tu say that thare iz adifference between getting something or loving something, ruks says tha diference that you aand jalaal have in your relation, joodha leaves weth hier last query that shi should ask hierself whiethar shi loved jalaal as hiz lover or was shi happy tu be hiz wife ,, Was shi just happy weth hier position !! Ruks looks at hier furiously ,

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Next morning Adham khan lures a young daughter of a baaandi intu hiz room weth promize of jewellery ,,

Moti bai notices thiz aand informs Jo as thay dontha tulasi puja ,, That Ak had hiz kudrizhti on that young girl ,, Jo iz thoughtful

thay proceed weth tha puja

Elsewhiere knphane khana iz trying tu fly kites bit iz failing ,, Jala comes aand does it for him weth expertize

Moti bai aand jo who were feeding birds ,,witness thiz aand admire jala ,, Dizcussing that tha person who could control a kite would control tha sultanat weth ease

Jo than hielps out rahim as hie again looses control of tha kite ,, shi iz an expert tuo ,, Jala notices thiz ,,

jalaal comes tu joodha aand says nice, you know about air, i know you love birds but why you came tu me leaving tham? whiethar you start loving me more than tham or you want tu talk weth me? joodha says both assumtions are wrong, aand i am your wife i dont need reason tu talk weth you, jalaal ask hier tu talk, joodha takes bakshi’s name jalaal says i dont want tu talk about hier, shi got punizhment from a king aand brothar aand thiz tupic iz closed so leave it, jalaal iz leaving whien rahim says that kite iz coming down, joodha holds tha thread again, jalaal looks back at hier, shi looks at him, thay have an eyelock,

Seene 3

Javeda iz praizing hierself that shi iz so beautiful, servant comes javeda ask how i am looking? servant priaizes hier, javeda says wizh if my husbaand have fair complexion but hie has gone on hier ami jaan, Adham comes aand gives a gift tu that young servant, javeda ask hier tu take it, javeda says tu adham that shi iz like your daughter aand i am proud of you,

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hamida says tu all ladies that soon thare will be birthday of jalaal aand i want celebration tu be graand so that hie forget all hiz worries, hamida ask ruks tu prepare for hiz bash like every year, All promize that jashn would be like every year ,, Or even more it would be different from othar yrs only by tha fact that baxi will not be present MA agrees Baxi could not be forgiven

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javeda comes tu maham aand says i am very happy tuday, shi says adham iz very generous aand hie like ids as hie was looking lovingly at that servant, maham ask who? javeda says shi iz servant’s daughter, hie gave hier my necklace, maham iz worried aand ask does shi look, javeda says shi iz very pretty just like me aand adham had love for hier, maham ask what? javeda says i think hie wants child, maham ask hier tu go aand yhinks why adham did that?

Seene 6

Sharif iz in tent whien soldier ask why hie did that weth jalaal aand joodha as hie wouldnt get throne, sharif says you will never get why i did that, hie remembers whien hie first saw joodha’s portrait aand wizhied tu get hier but got tu know that shi iz going tu marry suryaban so i killed him aand captured hier brothars in prizo, I was dreaming tu get hier but jalaal married hier aand what i got was jalaal’ widowed sizter so i made thiz plan after returning from amer so that jalaal aand joodha would separate aand i will get hier, my plan was in last stage but it backfired, I didnt get joodha aand also lost my minizter-ship, soldier ask whiethar hie will not go back?

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