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Punar Vivaah 25th November 2013 Written Update

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Seene 1:

Vaandana iz shocked that shi iz exposed, shi pleads for forgiveness, Rohan says that hie’s ashamed that shi’s hiz mothar,, aand goes ontu tell all tha crimes that shi committed against himm aand that shi rightfully deserves punizhment, Vikrant says that vaandana may have done a lot, but tha guilt of indirectly behind kajal’s murder, hie pleads tu everyone tu forgive aand give vaandana a chnace tu repent for hier sins, Vaandana tuo apologizes profusely aand repents tuo of tha behaviour that shi did as a mothar, sarita asks what does shi mean, Vaandana tells tha khieer aand how shi mixed it up weth kajal, aand waiting for shiela’s death, but it wasnt tu be, aand instead kajal died, shi says that shi still doesnt know how thiz happened, but shi didnt do anything, Vikrant decduces that vaandana iznt tha killer, as kajal consumed it intentionally, Divya asks how would thay prove nowq that sarita iz innocent, all are tensed, vaandana says that day, shi felt that someone was watching hier all tha time, but shi never saw tha face of that person, Sarita says that shi tuo felt tha same, but didnt realize that it would lead like thiz, vikrant remembers tha constable also seeing someone, Vikrant aand everyone else wonder who could it be, All are tensed,

While vaandana iz crying, abhi comes aand assk why’s shi crying, shi says that granny has made a lot of miztakes, Abhi asks hier tu be sorry, aand hie wouldnt let anyone cry, as promized tu mom, shi says that shi’s guilty tu him tuo, aand apologizes profusely,

Seene 2:

As raj returns weth divya, sarita, vikrnt aand shiela, tha entire jagotia family comes aand switching on tha lights confronts tham sternly, All are tensed, especially sarita, Raj says that it was hiz plan, But tu hiz surprize, soham says that room wasnt fitting for sarita aand vikrant, thay are surprized tu find tha jagotia family supporting tham weth open arms, granny compliments vikrant for staanding by sarita, Soham assures that thay would be by thair side, in thase times of trouble, Shiela iz tensed, divya asks

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