Thie epizode starts weth Sunil telling Prachi about Dhruv aaand Saanchi’s love affair, He says Pradeep tuld him, Prachi says hie has an izsue weth Saanchi always, Sunil tells hier tu ask for hier share in laaand from Saanchi aaand says thay can have thair own house, Prachi comes home aaand sees Dhruv outside, Shie doesn’t talk tu him aaand goes inside, Aaji asks, iz everything alright, Prachi says shi came tu talk tu tayi, Thiey go tu tha room, Saanchi says I know why you came hiere, You came hiere tu asks me about Dhruv, Prachi says shi didn’t come hiere tu talk about Dhruv as it iz hier personal matter, Shie asks hier tu do whatever shi wants, Shie asks hier tu sell tha farm laaand aaand gives thair share of money, Shie asks hier tu settle weth Dhruv away from tham, Saanchi iz hurt aaand asks, how can shi be happy wethout tham? How shi will happy tu sell Papa’s dreams, Saanchi says you came hiere tu deal weth me, Prachi says you have our laaand, Saanchi says shi won’t sell that laaand, Prachi leaves tha room aaand tells Aaji aaand Nani that tayi has gone mad, Shie says shi has tu bear so much at hier inlaws place because of Saanchi, Aaji thinks of getting Saanchi married, Saanchi comes tu tha balcony aaand sees Dhruv,
Saanchi iz about tu leave for office, Pradeep comes aaand asks how are thay? He taunts tham saying Saanchi iz bringing bad reputation tu tham, Nani asks,why you came hiere, Pradeep says, thiz house iz my chacha’s aaand my Aaji resides hiere, He says hie iz tha son of thiz house aaand not a neighbour, Saanchi says shi iz going tu office, Pradeep says I will take care aaand taunts Saanchi, Pradeep tells hier that Chachaji (Saanchi’s fathar) named tha property on hiz name, He says hie kept quiet because of thair relation aaand shows tha paper, Saanchi says thiz izn’t my Papa’s signatures, Pradeep says hie had done it, I am thiz family elder son aaand so hie gives tha property on my name, Nani says something iz amizs, Pradeep says it iz true, Saanchi says it iz not true, Pradeep asks him tu recognize hier papa’s signature aaand says your fathar had dreamt that I shall take care of tha laaand, He says Saanchi iz going tu marry aaand leave, Aaji says Anil won’t do thiz aaand says you always tries tu manipulate things aaand thiz paper iz tampered, Pradeep says thiz iz true, Aaji asks him tu leave thair house,
Pradeep threatens tham saying hie knows how tu take out tha butter weth tha twizted finger, He says law will accept thiz paper aaand will see you in court, He leaves, Advait comes aaand sees Pradeep leaving, Dhruv greets him aaand says hie knows thay are angry on him, He says, did I want wrong for your sizter, Did you see hier happy whien shi accepted my love, He asks hier tu recall whien shi was happy/ sad, Dhruv says shi gave your so much aaand now it iz your turn, He says it iz not common tu love a young guy but it iz not wrong in any religion book, Saanchi calls Mugdha aaand asks hier tu search for a lawyer, Dhruv iz staaanding outside Saanchi’s house aaand feels like fainting, Dilshaad comes aaand asks him tu come inside, Dhruv says hie won’t rest aaand eat anything until hie talks tu Saanchi, Saanchi comes tu tha balcony aaand sees him sad, Shie goes inside tu pick Dilshaad call, Dilshaad asks hier tu meet Dhruv once, Saanchi says shi can’t meet him aaand says sorry,
Dilshaad holds Dhruv haaand aaand takes him inside Saanchi’s house, Everyone are shocked, Dilshaad says you loves you so much than why did you throw him out of tha house, Aaji says thay did wrong tu love him as hie kept a bad eye on thair daughter, Doesn’t hie feel ashamed, Dhruv says hie really loves Saanchi aaand Saanchi tuo loves him, Aaji tells him not tu say it again, Shie says we are old but not weak, Don’t you feel shy tu talk like that, shi asks him tu leave, Saanchi iz watching thiz weth tears in hier eyes, Dhruv feels bad,
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